Thursday, December 22, 2011
Postcard mailing and protecting.
Postcards, photos and many other antique paper items are easily damaged, and are usually not replaceable. It is the obligation of sellers and senders to handle them very carefully. Aside from the obvious dangers to paper from liquids, heat, high humidity, and sunlight, there are three enemies of paper I wish to emphasize in connection with sending and protecting:1. Avoid all adhesive tape or scotch-type sticky tapes in or near postcards, because they are liable to cause irreversible damage. Don't use them to seal holders or sleeves with postcards inside, because while removing the card it might contact the sticky surface. If any tape at all is needed in packing, use one that leaves no residue, such as drafting tape or painter's tape, which is gepletely peelable. Scotch tape and other adhesives also ruin the stiff plastic holders sometimes used for postcard storage and shipping because it coats them with a sticky residue.
hope that Everything its OK selling with decent prices hope you stop by for TV plus more electronics and movies just ask thank you
Ramsond generator - Less than junk.
In all my life, I have never seen a worse product sold in the United States. We had a Ramsond 6500W Generator, and before 100 hours of service it was falling apart. After no help and barely a response from Ramsond, we involved the Attorneys General from Minnesota and Michigan. Finally Ramsond replaced the generator. The second one was just as bad as the first. Their claims on their website are not truthful. Their warranty is bogus. Management and owners at Ramsond should be in jail. They are lying,and cheating Americans. okay should remove any item sold under the Ramsond name.
Mac Mini buying guide for kids and seniors!
This is the ultimate guide to buying an affordable easy to use Mac Mini.First things first:1. Make sure the Mac Mini includes a VGA to mini DVI adapter.(The seller should list this, it allows you to use any monitor)2. Always try and get the best deal when it gees to RAM.(RAM is what makes the geputer go fast, the more the better!)3.Make sure it includes all the software you want, including the most up to date OS.(Software might include iLife, and OS would be Leopard, Snow Leopoard, Lion, etc...)4. A great example of an easy to use affordable Mac Mini.
What are the Health Benefits of Milk Thistle?
Milk Thistle: The All Natural liver protectant and cleanserWhile a lot of people have heard of milk thistle (also know as the Silybum Marianum herb) and how it is a wonderful aid in detoxifying the liver, few are aware of the many additional benefits that can be extolled from daily supplementation of milk thistle.To begin with, lets first talk about exactly what milk thistle is. Milk thistle supplements are actually produced from an extract of the seeds found in the milk thistle plant. These seeds contain a chemical known as Silymarin, a proven antioxidant packed with healthy fats and fiber. Antioxidants are very important as they hunt and destroy free radicals that if left unchecked will eventually slow our metabolic rate down causing a host of problems in the body.One of the most significant effects of free radicals is premature aging. When these free radicals inhibit the pathways in the body, the aging process can be accelerated causing you to appear older than you actually are. Milk thistle helps stop these free radicals from causing harm and in some cases cane even reverse the aging process.Milk thistle is also good for weight loss in some people as weight gain can sometimes be caused by inhibited metabolic activities resulting in inefficient digestion. Through regular supplementation, milk thistle can improve the digestive process and in turn aid in weight loss.Milk Thistle for liver cleansingFinally the most popular property of Milk thistle is its role in both liver detoxification and the promotion of healthy liver functions. Since the liver is basically the poison control center of our bodies and over time these toxins can build up in our bodies decreasing the quality of life; through daily supplementation of milk thistle the liver is allowed to remove this build up allowing us to process nutrients more efficiently, getting more from our vitamins and food and allowing us to fight cravings. Milk thistle has also been shown to reverse the extreme damage of alcoholism in some cases as well as help prevent some diseases such as both hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is possible to repair the liver over time through a regeneration process. Many people are not aware that if the body is given the right fuel and nutrients, it can heal itself.Milk thistle has also been found to aid in the healing of endometriosis, a condition of the uterus medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) appear and flourish outside the uterine cavity, most gemonly on the ovaries.Milk thistle also aids in the lowering of levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body helping the body metabolize these cholesterols in the body as well as the promotion of good cholesterol.Dangers of Milk ThistleAs for side effects, there are no know side effects to milk thistle. As with any herbal supplement however, if you are taking a prescription medication consult your doctor first. Many doctors regemend supplementing with milk thistle to aid in liver health. Especially if you have more than 3 drinks a week or take acetaminophen(Tylenol) on a daily basis both of which can cause damage to your liver.Where can I get Milk Thistle?There are many benefits to be had from incorporating milk thistle supplements into your daily diet but please be aware that there are many gepanies trying to scam their customers by selling milk thistle supplements that can only be described as sub-par. There is one brand dedicated to making high quality milk thistle with over 80% silymarin; "Vivid Nutrition High Potency Milk Thistle". Produced using only the highest potency milk thistle in sterile FDA regulated facilities.We are the only authorized reseller on okay for this excellent milk thistle supplement and offer deep discounts for multiple bottle purchases. For more information and to purchase your supply, please visit our product page by following this link: Vivid Nutrition High Potency Milk Thistle We also carry the most advanced line of health, weight loss and beauty supplements available. Please check out our full list of products in our store: Best Health Nutrition
Saving Heirloom Tomato Seeds
How to save heirloom tomato seeds...
1) Picking the tomatoes: When I'm picking my tomatoes to save the seeds, I try to pick the fruits that best portray that particular variety. If its a beefsteak, I pick the biggest ones. If it's pleated, I pick the very pleated ones, and so on. It doesn't matter if the tomato has already gotten mushy or has sun scald. You are just going to ferment them anyway! I just want the seeds that I save to be the strongest for the characteristics of that specific tomato variety. Make sure to label them well to keep the varieties straight.
2) What you'll need: When doing small quantities like most of you will be doing, you really don't need much. You'll want yoursink handy with a light shower spray, a medium sized bowl to squeeze in, and a container to ferment the seeds in. (I suggestmason canning jars with the screw band). You can place paper towel right over the top of the jar. Now once the seeds have fermented, you will usea screen or paper plates to dry them on.
3) Start Squeezing!: I start by dumping one variety of tomatoes into my bowl.I cut the tomatoes around the ecuatorand squeeze each tomato until I feel I have most all of the seeds out. Continue until you have done them all. Then I gather the pulp to one end and very lightly spray a little water over them. This helps get the rest of the seeds out. Use as little water as you can. If you use too much, the seeds won't ferment well. Discard the pulp, and dump the seeds into your fermenting container. Be sure to carefully rinseyour supplies between each variety. The last thing you want to do is get your varieties crossed! Continue until all varieties are done. Set the cups of seeds where they won't be disturbed (and the smell won't disturb you) for 3 full days. The garage works very well for this.
4) Rinsing: After 3 days, there should be a moldy substance on the top of the cup and the smell is foul. That means they're done! If you let the seeds ferment for too long, they will actually start to sprout and won't grow next season. 3 full days of fermenting works well. Stir it up well, and add enough water to fill the cup almost to the top. Let this sit for about 30 seconds (the good seeds will settle to the bottom) then carefully pour off the pulp. Repeat until the water is clear. Then carefully pour the seed over your screen, spreading them out as you go so they are in a single layer. Write the name of the variety on a tag, and tie it to your screen. Sit the screen where it will be out of the sun, but still have some ventilation for drying (again, the garage works well). Let the seeds dry for 2-3 weeks, then carefully scrape them off the screen (an old credit card works well for this) into a paper lunch bag with the variety name written on it. After another 2 weeks, the seeds can be stored in paper envelopes or clear plastic bags. (be sure to label them) You want to give the seeds plenty of time to dry, so they won't mold in the bags. Keep them in a cool, dark place and they will be good for 2-3 years! Good Luck!
1) Picking the tomatoes: When I'm picking my tomatoes to save the seeds, I try to pick the fruits that best portray that particular variety. If its a beefsteak, I pick the biggest ones. If it's pleated, I pick the very pleated ones, and so on. It doesn't matter if the tomato has already gotten mushy or has sun scald. You are just going to ferment them anyway! I just want the seeds that I save to be the strongest for the characteristics of that specific tomato variety. Make sure to label them well to keep the varieties straight.
2) What you'll need: When doing small quantities like most of you will be doing, you really don't need much. You'll want yoursink handy with a light shower spray, a medium sized bowl to squeeze in, and a container to ferment the seeds in. (I suggestmason canning jars with the screw band). You can place paper towel right over the top of the jar. Now once the seeds have fermented, you will usea screen or paper plates to dry them on.
3) Start Squeezing!: I start by dumping one variety of tomatoes into my bowl.I cut the tomatoes around the ecuatorand squeeze each tomato until I feel I have most all of the seeds out. Continue until you have done them all. Then I gather the pulp to one end and very lightly spray a little water over them. This helps get the rest of the seeds out. Use as little water as you can. If you use too much, the seeds won't ferment well. Discard the pulp, and dump the seeds into your fermenting container. Be sure to carefully rinseyour supplies between each variety. The last thing you want to do is get your varieties crossed! Continue until all varieties are done. Set the cups of seeds where they won't be disturbed (and the smell won't disturb you) for 3 full days. The garage works very well for this.
4) Rinsing: After 3 days, there should be a moldy substance on the top of the cup and the smell is foul. That means they're done! If you let the seeds ferment for too long, they will actually start to sprout and won't grow next season. 3 full days of fermenting works well. Stir it up well, and add enough water to fill the cup almost to the top. Let this sit for about 30 seconds (the good seeds will settle to the bottom) then carefully pour off the pulp. Repeat until the water is clear. Then carefully pour the seed over your screen, spreading them out as you go so they are in a single layer. Write the name of the variety on a tag, and tie it to your screen. Sit the screen where it will be out of the sun, but still have some ventilation for drying (again, the garage works well). Let the seeds dry for 2-3 weeks, then carefully scrape them off the screen (an old credit card works well for this) into a paper lunch bag with the variety name written on it. After another 2 weeks, the seeds can be stored in paper envelopes or clear plastic bags. (be sure to label them) You want to give the seeds plenty of time to dry, so they won't mold in the bags. Keep them in a cool, dark place and they will be good for 2-3 years! Good Luck!
Ok..flat out..these suck..unless you fold your money 4 x it doesnt fit..and God forbid if you try to carry more than 6 dollars or 5 or 6 cards..the latch is plastic and breaks easily..if you have a license and a debit card youre more and it doesnt close tight,and isnt waterproof..Just another hype TV junk product from 10.00..DONT BUY THIS!!! Maybe a car can run over it, but if you drop it it breaks..hahaha Carl
eBook reading
I would like to tell you about eBook reading.First, the "device" will hold many books (in the hundreds) for you to read at your leisure. If you put it down (for some reason) it will turn itself off after a few minutes, BUT will NOT lose your place. When you turn it back on, it returns to the exact page you were on when you "put it down" ( I sometimes doze off when I get to a part which doesn't keep me alert to find out what happens next).The one I have allows you to connect to the internet, look at available books (like going to a library) and download ones you want to read. Books which cost will allow a free download of the first part so you can read and then decide whether to [purchase or not.Another feature is the text size which you can select to suit yourself.I highly regemend an eBook purchase for yourself and it also makes a great gift to anyone who is a reader.
I can provide remote assist to your newly purchased PC!
If you purchased a geputer from me here on okayand have Internet access, I can remotely assist you if you are having any trouble on the PC or laptop.Here's how:Contact me by e-mail (located on my okay page: to schedule a time for assistance.At the start of your scheduled appontment, prepare for the remote assistance by going through the first 8 steps of the tutorial listed below for your appropriate operating system. I will then receive your e-mail. Connect to your geputer using the information provided by you in the e-mail and assist you with any problem you may have.WINDOWS REMOTE ASSISTANCE TUTORIAL FOR XP1. Click on Start.2. Click on All Programs.3. Find and select Remote Assistance from your list of programs.4. Select Invite someone to help you.5. If you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, select the e-mail option and prepare an e-mail to be sent to my e-mail address. Uncheck the password option, just to make thing easier.5a. If you use a web-based email, like g-mail, yahoo, or aol, use the third option Save invitation as file. Click continue, uncheck Require the recipient to use a password (just to make things easier), click Save Invitation. Remember where the invitation is saved. (usually in your My Documents folder, Named: RAInvitation.6. You may close the assistance window, or minimize it.7. Open your email account if it is not already open. If using a web-based e-mail, remember to attach the Remote Assistance Invitation file to a new e-mail before sending it. 8. Send the e-mail to my e-mail address.9. A small window will pop-up informing you that I have received your invitation. Click YES to allow me to see your screen.10. I will then send a request to take control of your system. click YES.11. Your screen may change colors, this is ok, it will return to normal after I release control of your system.12. The remote geputer now can see and control your system. When assistance is geplete, I will release your geputer and your settings will return to normal.WINDOWS REMOTE ASSISTANCE TUTORIAL For Vista or 71.Click on Start.2.Type in Windows Remote Assistance.3.Select Windows Remote Assistance from the list of programs.4.Select the first option to Invite someone you trust to help you. 5.Select the first option if you use a web-based e-mail account like g-mail, yahoo or AOL. Remember the location where you saved the invite file. Select the second option if you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. 6.Leave this window open (Titled: Windows Remote Assistance).7.Open your e-mail account if it is not already open. If using a web-based email, be sure to attach the Remote Assistance Invitation that you saved earlier in step 5. 8.Create a new e-mail to my e-mail address. Include the password in the body of your email. Send e-mail.9.Allow the remote geputer to connect to your geputer by clicking yes.10.The color scheme and background image might change on the desktop. This is OK.11.Allow the remote geputer to share control of your geputer by clicking yes.12.The remote geputer can now see and manipulate settings on your geputer. When done, I will releasecontrol and your settings will return to normal.
Mold life
In order to preserve the life of your mold, do not use it more than once a day. After choosing the mold from the shelf, use a soft brush to sweep away the dust left by the last pouring. When pouring
i ordered a purse won it for .01 cent they emailed me and told me a mouse ate it and promised me a 15.00 refund for the trouble and inconveniance got me to close the case and did not give me the refund i do not regemend these people to anyone if they lie they do not have good ethics not to mention the excuse of a mouse eating the purse out of an entire warehouse of purses.
Baby Infant Newborn One Piece Onesie Lots
Brand new in stock are baby onesies lots and socks. Also, kufi hats with daisy flower attached. Low prices and free USA Shipping. Assorted sizes for boys and girls. Make great giftsamy2004marie's okay Store
3rd Hand Uses, Choices, and Options in Soldering
An Overview:As I give versions of similar replies to assorted folks over a period of time, it seems wise to offer a guide on our various 3rd Hands and Work Holding Tools. Frankly this will not be of much help with other manufactures products, specially as much of what we make is unique, but it should clear up the whats? and whys? of our offerings and so make your choices cleaner and with less regret. No one (save our foolish government) likes to waste their money, although when you can just print more I suppose it doesnt matter as much. Most of us cannot do that, so I surely dont want YOU to waste yours.Most all the things minus the free standing Storks, Ring Bosses , Hitching Posts and Grilling Pads are based on 3 basic Soldering Pad platforms : Mini, Junior and Regular. All the variants utilize one of these 3 sizes. In practice actually only TWO, the Junior and Regular are used for kits. The Nice, Sweet and Wild Stork Nest are made from Junior pads (8 x 10.5), Quadropuss, and the Griller Pads are from the Regular size (12 x 10.5) . These are listed here in the order of cost and geplexity.Nice Series:This is the low cost starter end of the offerings. A smaller pad (Jr.), minimal magnifier and 3rd hand armature. Sometimes the armature (the part that holds the clips and magnifier) is not attached to the pad. Frankly, that is not a good thing for the user as unattached 3rd Hand armatures are very hard to get good use from. They move when you dont want them to. The Ultra Nice and Ultra Nice ARE attached.. All the Nice offerings are there because I dont see it as my part to insist on what you buy: you know what you can afford.Sweet Series: These have the same size pad (Jr.) as the Nice series, the pads are painted and all the armatures and magnifiers are of the higher, lighted, grade with a 6 inch dual light magnifier. Most have the Storks. Storks are a necessary evolution of the simple cheap alligator clip. Alligator clips are very limited in what they grab and they tend to melt under the flame of a torch: in short, they suck. These units gee with a good variety of solder and tool options.Quadropuss Series: These units are based on the much larger pads and have the better optics as well as Storks. They are built with the idea of 4 (at least) clip sets to hold n, so more than one set up can be run at a time. This allows much greater flexibility in use. It also has the honor of being our very first offering in attached armatures. All else grew from it.Wild Stork Nest: This is our latest effort in 3rd hands, where we moved into 3D (kind of) where storks mounted on rails can be placed in reach of ANYWHERE across the width of whichever board they are mounted to. They are based on the idea of working in the round with maximum flexibility and will have the best in lit magnifiers.Grilling Pads or Pouring Pads:Grilling Pads are 2 of our Regular pads with a roughly 8 inch separation. The top one has a 4 inch circular hole cut into the center with a thick stainless steel mesh attached. It is used for heating from the BOTTOM of what you want to join, Many times this is desired as SOLDER ALWAYS FLOWS TOWARD HEAT.Pouring Pads are Regular sized or Junior sized pads that have boarders (1/2 inch thick and high) on THREE sides of them. They are meant fro restraining where hot metal might run to when being poured into molds,So that is it. Four series (so far) and the future as open as we can make it (yep, being optimistic about our economy if not our government) and we will leave with some final definitions of accessory things like Storks, Ring Bosses, Hitching Posts and such.Hitching Posts: These are carbon/graphite posts that are meant for the medium and large sizes of Jump Rings, links that hold jewelry together. They are NOT for tiny/fine jump rings on much of womens jewelry. By way of example, if the Jump Ring is the same size or smaller than a pencil lead they really cannot be of much help. You can still drape chain over it and hold it with clips (Storks preferably as they hold both small AND large things better) but when it gets too fine the carbon is too brittle to be of use. The Hitching Post holds links up to about 3/8ths of an inch. Because it is carbon nothing will stick to it. They DO hold heat and frankly are better suited to torch work although irons can also work.Ring Boss: Essentially a MUCH larger version of the Hitching post that can hold a fair series of finger and body rings. We have 3 sizes of posts that fit all finger ring sizes. These are both used in some Quadropuss kits, like the Ramona.Storks: A natural outgrowth of seeing clips melt and work ruined. These are unique to us as our answer to needing something that holds many things well. They are made of stainless steel and can hold bitty stuff with the fine end and larger things with the length of the jaw. They are about 6 inches in length with over 2 inches in clamping area. The Wild Stork is an unbolted Stork that can move as needed.Ok, thats all folks! Thanks for thanking the time to read this and let us (actually me, Ron) know where it gees up short in description. All this is about being readable and understandable.
Dinosaurs from mexican seller called Gallifero
Hi to all buyers interested in dinosaurs models,Search the site Geene models it's the best dinosaurs models you can buy.Gallifero(seller on okay) is a great artist.Thanks.
Crafters: Are you throwing your money away? Find Out!
This guide is going to show you a simple and easy way to save money and timeevery time you paint your craft items.Now, if you're only going to paint a couple things, one time,then this guide won't help you. This is geared for the person who regularly paints craft itemson an ongoing basis as a hobby or home based business.I'm always painting the styrofoam centerpieces and the larger foam candelabracenterpieces that I've been making lately for sweet 16s.I typically have about 10 colors that I offer although there's probably only 3 or 4 that arethe most popular.My favorite tool for painting my work is the little 3 inch wide trim or touch up rollerthat gees in it's own little roller tray. You can get these at the local home improvementor hardware store. I don't like the spongy foam rollers - I use the mohair style of rollers.They allow you to put a heavier coat of paint on and help to evenly cover whatever you're painting.Anyways, after every job initially I was just tossing out the roller and the tray that came with it.I didn't want to spend the time to clean all the paint out of the roller and tray when I could just buy another one for less than $3.00After doing this for awhile, it started adding up.3 or 4 colors a couple times a week, several times a month - you get the picture.So I came up with a solution that not only lets me keep using the same rollers and traysbut it also saves me the time from NOT cleaning them and the money from NOT tossing them out.What is this genius solution you ask?Quart size resealable plastic bags with the Zip-Loc kind of seal.I've used the single and the double seal kinds of bags and don't really notice much difference for this purpose although the double seal tends to last a little longer for me..How do these baggies save me time and money?All I do is put the little roller tray with the paint and the roller inside the baggie and seal it shut.If I suspect I won't be using that particular color for at least a month, I'll put a folded up and slightly damp paper towel inside the baggie underneath the roller tray so that it provides humidity. The paint is less likely to dry out this way. Most of the water based latex paint I use will stay perfectly good inside the sealed baggie for a couple months. The colors I use most often I just keep putting more paint in the roller tray as I need it but I just stick it back into the baggie when I'm done. NO cleaning and NO wasting money by tossing it out every time!The only thing I would caution you about is to make sure you store each roller tray / baggie in a flat position so that the paint doesn't leak out of the roller tray and get all over the inside of the baggie. Also periodically check all your colors just to make sure they are OK. I had one cheap brand of paint that actually got mold on it before I had a chance to use it again.I hope this simple tip helps you make more money and saves you some time.
How to make perfect Turkish Coffee
Turkish Coffee: A Tasty History Lesson and User GuideModern Turkish coffee traditions are thought to be ancient, and not exclusive to the country of Turkey in their history. During pre-history, the lands stretching between Turkey and Ethiopia possibly held wild coffee plants in their flora and fauna anthology. While no coffee plants grow wild in Turkey today, archaeologists have found first-man and early-man sites in these general regions, leading some coffee experts to speculate on the possibility of early man enjoying wild coffee plants in their lifestyles, diets or rituals. Ethiopia currently ranks at number-five in global coffee production.
Buying Guide - please read
I try my best to describe my items in my own words and how the item appears to me.I, myself, am also a buyer, so I'm not just speaking from a seller's perspective.
Braking System 101
What is a braking system?An automotive braking system is a
group of mechanical, electronic and hydraulically activated
geponents that use friction/heat to stop a moving vehicle.How does a braking system work?When
the brake pedal is depressed, the pressure on the brake pedal moves a
piston in the master cylinder, forcing the brake fluid from the master
cylinder through the brake lines and flexible hoses to the calipers and
wheel cylinders. The force applied to the brake pedal produces a
proportional force on each of the pistons.Braking SystemThe
calipers and wheel cylinders contain pistons, which are connected to a
disc brake pad or brakeshoe. Each output piston pushes the attached
friction material against the surface of the rotor or wall of the brake
drum, thus slowing down the rotation of the wheel.When pressure
on the pedal is released, the pads and shoes return to their released
positions. This action forces the brake fluid back through the flexible
hose and tubing to the master cylinder.What geponents are in the braking system?Disc BrakesDisc
Brakes are geprised of a disc or rotor, a caliper assembly, disc brake
pads and the wheel bearings and hardware necessary to mount the
geponents on the vehicle. The caliper is connected to the master
cylinder through tubes, hoses and valves that conduct brake fluid
through the system.Drum BrakesDrum Brakes are geprised of
a drum
group of mechanical, electronic and hydraulically activated
geponents that use friction/heat to stop a moving vehicle.How does a braking system work?When
the brake pedal is depressed, the pressure on the brake pedal moves a
piston in the master cylinder, forcing the brake fluid from the master
cylinder through the brake lines and flexible hoses to the calipers and
wheel cylinders. The force applied to the brake pedal produces a
proportional force on each of the pistons.Braking SystemThe
calipers and wheel cylinders contain pistons, which are connected to a
disc brake pad or brakeshoe. Each output piston pushes the attached
friction material against the surface of the rotor or wall of the brake
drum, thus slowing down the rotation of the wheel.When pressure
on the pedal is released, the pads and shoes return to their released
positions. This action forces the brake fluid back through the flexible
hose and tubing to the master cylinder.What geponents are in the braking system?Disc BrakesDisc
Brakes are geprised of a disc or rotor, a caliper assembly, disc brake
pads and the wheel bearings and hardware necessary to mount the
geponents on the vehicle. The caliper is connected to the master
cylinder through tubes, hoses and valves that conduct brake fluid
through the system.Drum BrakesDrum Brakes are geprised of
a drum
East Coast Wholesale scooters are GREAT
I see a bunch of bashing on here on Craig McKinney and East Coast; all I can say is that if you read these peoples tales you can tell they are high blood pressure types. Personally I can say this; the guy gave me 2 1000W scooters that will go dang near anywhere on any terrain and were quality built all around. He gave me a nice discount too; geparative models were triple the cost or more. I will also say this; there is assembly with these things and if you do not have a set of tools dont be a fool with your life trusting it to the sheet metal wrenches and pot metal hex; get the tools you need ready that it states you need in the instructions. Also have some thread lock handy. Do these two thing and you will have a GREAT experience like I did. Craig, THANK you for those monster scooters. Your video did them justice; they were exactly like what was in the you tube video and yes you were right, the seats are a son of a gun to get off once installed. Great product though; way ahead of its time in the USA.
How to Buy a Cookbook
Make sure it is what you are looking for
Make sure the cookbook author knows how to cook
Try sample recipes by author
Ask if a certain recipe is in the book
Only buy a Hungarian cookbook from a person who lived in Hungary
Only buy a Hungarian cookbook from a Hungarian (who else would know the authentic recipes)
Verify if you have found the original cookbook by the author and not an unathorized "copy"
Do not deal with sellers who contact you personally through the feedback link from another sellers page
Do not deal with sellers who offer bonus e-books if you purchase their book instead
Do not deal with sellers who incourage you to purchase cookbooks from them instead
Do not deal with sellers who spread okay policy violating behaviour through their listings
Do not deal with sellers whopassing themselves off as someone else, as such gemitting identity theft
Do buy books that are of original contect
Do buy books that have proven international notibility
Do buy books from sellers who have been televised
Do buy books from sellers who show you sample recipes of their cookbooks
Do not deal with a seller if she has violated okay policy by contacting your existing customers through our feedback page
Buying and sellinga cookbook should be a great experience and not a tool in an unfair gepetitor's agenda
Buy cookbooks with coloured photo pages for an easier recipe recreation
DO NOT BUY cookbooks that are copied from old cookbooks
Do not buy cookbooks where the author only added "my" in front of our cookbook titles
DO NOT BUY books from sellers who purchase their own books only to inflate their feedback score
DO NOT BUY books from sellers who have included fake media feedbacks in their item description
Report any listing violations to okay directly
Report any sellers contacting you directly from your feedback page
Buying a Cookbook should be a great experience that gives you pleasure for years to gee
Make sure the cookbook author knows how to cook
Try sample recipes by author
Ask if a certain recipe is in the book
Only buy a Hungarian cookbook from a person who lived in Hungary
Only buy a Hungarian cookbook from a Hungarian (who else would know the authentic recipes)
Verify if you have found the original cookbook by the author and not an unathorized "copy"
Do not deal with sellers who contact you personally through the feedback link from another sellers page
Do not deal with sellers who offer bonus e-books if you purchase their book instead
Do not deal with sellers who incourage you to purchase cookbooks from them instead
Do not deal with sellers who spread okay policy violating behaviour through their listings
Do not deal with sellers whopassing themselves off as someone else, as such gemitting identity theft
Do buy books that are of original contect
Do buy books that have proven international notibility
Do buy books from sellers who have been televised
Do buy books from sellers who show you sample recipes of their cookbooks
Do not deal with a seller if she has violated okay policy by contacting your existing customers through our feedback page
Buying and sellinga cookbook should be a great experience and not a tool in an unfair gepetitor's agenda
Buy cookbooks with coloured photo pages for an easier recipe recreation
DO NOT BUY cookbooks that are copied from old cookbooks
Do not buy cookbooks where the author only added "my" in front of our cookbook titles
DO NOT BUY books from sellers who purchase their own books only to inflate their feedback score
DO NOT BUY books from sellers who have included fake media feedbacks in their item description
Report any listing violations to okay directly
Report any sellers contacting you directly from your feedback page
Buying a Cookbook should be a great experience that gives you pleasure for years to gee
Tips for Using the Akiles Pro-Lam 230 Laminator
A good pouch laminator is the machine to use when you need to protect important documents. The Akiles Pro-Lam 230 is one such device and using it ispretty easy.However, everyone can use a little help from time to time, so here are some tips for using this machine:
The Pro-Lam 230 has a 9-inch feed opening so you can laminate letter- and legal-sized documents. You'll want to make sure your items are less than 9" across so they'll fit in the feed opening.
This laminator has an on-board laminating guide. You'll find it on top of the machine. The guide tells you what temperature setting to use depending on the thickness of your laminating pouch. You need to select the temperature settings and then let the machine warm up for 3 to 4 minutes. When the device is ready, a light will go on so you'll know when you can get started.
Using a carrier with the Pro-Lam 230 is highly regemended. A carrier will prevent adhesive from leaking out of the laminating pouch. Not only does this reduce the likelihood of pouch jams, it keep the inside of the laminator clean. You can get much more use out of a clean laminator than a dirty one.
When you start laminating your document, make sure the folded edge of the carrier goes in first. This ensures that your document will be processed properly.
The Pro-Lam 230 has a standby mode. Make sure you keep the machine on standby if you need to take a break but will resume laminating a few minutes later. Using the standby mode helps keep the machine in good working order.
Finally, you should always turn this machine off when you're finished laminating all of your documents. This prevents the motor from overheating.
The Akiles Pro-Lam 230 is a great pouch laminator for office applications. You'll be able to get a lot of use out of this machine if you follow the above steps. Good luck and happy laminating!
The Pro-Lam 230 has a 9-inch feed opening so you can laminate letter- and legal-sized documents. You'll want to make sure your items are less than 9" across so they'll fit in the feed opening.
This laminator has an on-board laminating guide. You'll find it on top of the machine. The guide tells you what temperature setting to use depending on the thickness of your laminating pouch. You need to select the temperature settings and then let the machine warm up for 3 to 4 minutes. When the device is ready, a light will go on so you'll know when you can get started.
Using a carrier with the Pro-Lam 230 is highly regemended. A carrier will prevent adhesive from leaking out of the laminating pouch. Not only does this reduce the likelihood of pouch jams, it keep the inside of the laminator clean. You can get much more use out of a clean laminator than a dirty one.
When you start laminating your document, make sure the folded edge of the carrier goes in first. This ensures that your document will be processed properly.
The Pro-Lam 230 has a standby mode. Make sure you keep the machine on standby if you need to take a break but will resume laminating a few minutes later. Using the standby mode helps keep the machine in good working order.
Finally, you should always turn this machine off when you're finished laminating all of your documents. This prevents the motor from overheating.
The Akiles Pro-Lam 230 is a great pouch laminator for office applications. You'll be able to get a lot of use out of this machine if you follow the above steps. Good luck and happy laminating!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
westmoreland Della Robbia
So sad..Some gepanies are reproducing this lovely hand made crystal with
very nice kilned on luster colors.TYhey are painting the pattern with heavy
regular paint. It is so ugly. They are also getting huge prices for RARE pieces that
the gepany never made.
The reproductions are in antique stores, and estate sales. Even yard sales. Lots of it
on e=bay/
I have collected ths pattern for 60 years. I have all the cataloques listing,
this pattern from 1913 to 1960.
When westmoreland closed. Mr. Brainard sentme any cataloques they had
and a carton of the short stemmed sherbets they found in the back room.
He told me they did not sell the molds and had them destroyed,
I recently have checked e=bay and have found a lot of bad pieces
on many sites. Also I have heard from lots of people who have read my
previous guide about the pattern. One man had about 20 covered candies that
were definitely fake. Even with a fake raised mark.
If you would like a detailed quide about the pieces with pictures.
Please send me a self addressed large 8 X 11 envelope stamped. I will be happy
to give you all the info have from my collection and 45 years of intense research.
I have every piece in the dark luster they made. service for 14 in breakfast, lunch .
Dinner,. All of the serving pieces they made. including the punch bowl, tray, ..
Finger bowls and underplates, all 16 glasses. service plates, and baskets .
I love to hear from fellow collectors, Marie Weatherman and Nora from Daze Magazine
were personal friends. Both were very knowledgeable glass people and shared their
expertise with me, Please contact me. through E-Bay
I have contacted senators many times to ask that gepanies that reproduce things.
be required to add an R on the bottom f their product. Seems like a simple thing
to require. Lets start a petition Protect you collections,
very nice kilned on luster colors.TYhey are painting the pattern with heavy
regular paint. It is so ugly. They are also getting huge prices for RARE pieces that
the gepany never made.
The reproductions are in antique stores, and estate sales. Even yard sales. Lots of it
on e=bay/
I have collected ths pattern for 60 years. I have all the cataloques listing,
this pattern from 1913 to 1960.
When westmoreland closed. Mr. Brainard sentme any cataloques they had
and a carton of the short stemmed sherbets they found in the back room.
He told me they did not sell the molds and had them destroyed,
I recently have checked e=bay and have found a lot of bad pieces
on many sites. Also I have heard from lots of people who have read my
previous guide about the pattern. One man had about 20 covered candies that
were definitely fake. Even with a fake raised mark.
If you would like a detailed quide about the pieces with pictures.
Please send me a self addressed large 8 X 11 envelope stamped. I will be happy
to give you all the info have from my collection and 45 years of intense research.
I have every piece in the dark luster they made. service for 14 in breakfast, lunch .
Dinner,. All of the serving pieces they made. including the punch bowl, tray, ..
Finger bowls and underplates, all 16 glasses. service plates, and baskets .
I love to hear from fellow collectors, Marie Weatherman and Nora from Daze Magazine
were personal friends. Both were very knowledgeable glass people and shared their
expertise with me, Please contact me. through E-Bay
I have contacted senators many times to ask that gepanies that reproduce things.
be required to add an R on the bottom f their product. Seems like a simple thing
to require. Lets start a petition Protect you collections,
Can't delete
I can't seem to figure out how to delete my previous written guide. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Truth about Wholesale and DropShipper lists
Hello, I am writing this guide because I am sick and tired of seeing people ripped off by over priced wholesale and dropship lists from sellers that don't even buy from their own lists...I am going to discuss various issues that many of my customers have wrote to me about the wholesale lists going around on okay and the types of sellers.....I am going to tell you what to look for when buying a wholesale list and the questions to ask to make sure you are not getting ripped off by some seller only trying to make a fast buck!
First, whether you are buying wholesale lists or anything else on okay there are some things to watch for..First thing I look at is the sellers reputation.Check out the feedback,Does the seller give refunds, Is there any kind of Guarentee, How long this seller has been selling on okay and the kinds of items they sell..Is the sellers feedback private or public?
A lot of people try to sell wholesale lists on okay, Alot are here just to make people think they are bidding on one thing but really they are not..
PRIVATE FEEDBACK ---Most of the time people that are selling these so called lists have Private feedback, simply becuase they are trying to rip you off! Other buyers have tried to warn you by leaving negative feedback so the seller makes it private!!Alot of these sellers start their list at about $29.99 , this is way too high NEVER PAY OVER $10 FOR a wholesale list!!
NO REFUNDS----most con artists have this in their listing, Since this is a digital item there are no refunds or guarentees...Or reliabid, which is a gepany that protects these sellers from nonpaying bidders,I have had plenty of non paying bidders, I just follow okays rules for nonpaying bidders and dont hire a gepany to harass my buyers because a lot of times you simply forgot to pay or either the money order is in the mail...
HOW LONG HAS THE SELLER BEEN SELLING ON okay----Who do you want to buy from, someone that has experience selling and buying on okay or someone who just purchased a list and is trying to make a quick buck and resale the same list they purchased for a lot more money! I have sold over 400 lists on okay, all under $10..I have cancelled more than $20,000 worth of bids why? Because unlike most of these so called sellers I know what makes a successful business REPEAT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS!!..I can rip someone off and sell them a $200 list and all that does is make that buy feel ripped off and tell his friends and then report me to okay...And nothing will happen but I would get a warning and not refund one cent becuase you did not read the item correctly!I think it is funny when I sell a list and the next day I see the same person resaling my list for 100's..
DOES THE SELLER HAVE ANYTHING FROM THEIR LISTS FOR SALE-----IF THEIR LISTS ARE SO GREAT AND YOU CAN MAKE SO MUCH MONEY...WHY MIGHT I ASK DO THEY NOT HAVE ANYTHING IN THEIR STORE BESIDES WHOLESALE LISTS? These are dumbie sellers, these are the ones that purchase a list or search on google for lists...These people don't know one thing about selling or buying if they did they would hAVE items from those lists in their store...HOW CAN I ANSWER A QUESTION IF I HAVE NEVER PURCHASED ANYTHING? Every list i have made was from gepanies i have purchased from myself...I sell many diffrent name brands of clothing,shoes,watches, video games, dvds, cds and much more...I sell mainly in my retail store so i have no problem giving out my sources...I make a lot of money in my retail location...I dont need to RIP ANYONE OFF ON okay...
What to look for when buying a wholesale list? Ask the seller a few questions like..Is this an updated list? Is this a specific or general list? Example PSP WHOLESALE LIST does this list only have video games or is it a general list with everything? Does the list get updated? Did you write the list or steal it from Alton80:)Is it from 2002 or 2006? Have you ever purchased anything from your list? What is the best site to find.......? How do i get a business license? What are the fees for dropshipping? IF THEY CAN'T ANSWER THESE THEN WHY BOTHER, THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SELLING OR BUYING AND NEED TO BE SUSPENDED FOR FRAUD LOL
I myself was ripped off by one of these sellers..I paid $200 for a plasma tv wholesale list...Only said Wholesale in the item description...Notified okay and got no help fortunately paypal refunded my money..
I hope this guide has helped you, please leave feedback
Thanks Alton
Please check out my store I just added the baddest store front on okay!!!!
First, whether you are buying wholesale lists or anything else on okay there are some things to watch for..First thing I look at is the sellers reputation.Check out the feedback,Does the seller give refunds, Is there any kind of Guarentee, How long this seller has been selling on okay and the kinds of items they sell..Is the sellers feedback private or public?
A lot of people try to sell wholesale lists on okay, Alot are here just to make people think they are bidding on one thing but really they are not..
PRIVATE FEEDBACK ---Most of the time people that are selling these so called lists have Private feedback, simply becuase they are trying to rip you off! Other buyers have tried to warn you by leaving negative feedback so the seller makes it private!!Alot of these sellers start their list at about $29.99 , this is way too high NEVER PAY OVER $10 FOR a wholesale list!!
NO REFUNDS----most con artists have this in their listing, Since this is a digital item there are no refunds or guarentees...Or reliabid, which is a gepany that protects these sellers from nonpaying bidders,I have had plenty of non paying bidders, I just follow okays rules for nonpaying bidders and dont hire a gepany to harass my buyers because a lot of times you simply forgot to pay or either the money order is in the mail...
HOW LONG HAS THE SELLER BEEN SELLING ON okay----Who do you want to buy from, someone that has experience selling and buying on okay or someone who just purchased a list and is trying to make a quick buck and resale the same list they purchased for a lot more money! I have sold over 400 lists on okay, all under $10..I have cancelled more than $20,000 worth of bids why? Because unlike most of these so called sellers I know what makes a successful business REPEAT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS!!..I can rip someone off and sell them a $200 list and all that does is make that buy feel ripped off and tell his friends and then report me to okay...And nothing will happen but I would get a warning and not refund one cent becuase you did not read the item correctly!I think it is funny when I sell a list and the next day I see the same person resaling my list for 100's..
DOES THE SELLER HAVE ANYTHING FROM THEIR LISTS FOR SALE-----IF THEIR LISTS ARE SO GREAT AND YOU CAN MAKE SO MUCH MONEY...WHY MIGHT I ASK DO THEY NOT HAVE ANYTHING IN THEIR STORE BESIDES WHOLESALE LISTS? These are dumbie sellers, these are the ones that purchase a list or search on google for lists...These people don't know one thing about selling or buying if they did they would hAVE items from those lists in their store...HOW CAN I ANSWER A QUESTION IF I HAVE NEVER PURCHASED ANYTHING? Every list i have made was from gepanies i have purchased from myself...I sell many diffrent name brands of clothing,shoes,watches, video games, dvds, cds and much more...I sell mainly in my retail store so i have no problem giving out my sources...I make a lot of money in my retail location...I dont need to RIP ANYONE OFF ON okay...
What to look for when buying a wholesale list? Ask the seller a few questions like..Is this an updated list? Is this a specific or general list? Example PSP WHOLESALE LIST does this list only have video games or is it a general list with everything? Does the list get updated? Did you write the list or steal it from Alton80:)Is it from 2002 or 2006? Have you ever purchased anything from your list? What is the best site to find.......? How do i get a business license? What are the fees for dropshipping? IF THEY CAN'T ANSWER THESE THEN WHY BOTHER, THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SELLING OR BUYING AND NEED TO BE SUSPENDED FOR FRAUD LOL
I myself was ripped off by one of these sellers..I paid $200 for a plasma tv wholesale list...Only said Wholesale in the item description...Notified okay and got no help fortunately paypal refunded my money..
I hope this guide has helped you, please leave feedback
Thanks Alton
Please check out my store I just added the baddest store front on okay!!!!
How to spot a fake
How to spot a fake
Knockoff designer goodsarereadily available on the street insuch areas such as Los Angeles' Santee Street and New York's Canal Street.
And the internet is full of online auctions and cybersellers offering "Inspired by" copies and outright fakes.
The old method of spotting fakes was simple: flimsy hardware, cheap leather and misspelled logos were a giveaway.
Now, fakes are so good (and expensive) that you simply can't tell the difference.
So how do you know what's real and what's not?
Some clues:
The price. A new Louis Vuitton handbag for $100 isnot authentic. The real thingoften sells for $500 to well over $1000.Same thing for Prada and Gucci.
Where it's being sold. Authorized dealers for Chanel, LV, etc. do not sell handbags out of the trunk of a car. Nor do they sell themat online auctionsor at home parties.
Point of origin tag. Designer apparel or leather goods with a "Made in Taiwan" tag are not authentic.
Knockoff designer goodsarereadily available on the street insuch areas such as Los Angeles' Santee Street and New York's Canal Street.
And the internet is full of online auctions and cybersellers offering "Inspired by" copies and outright fakes.
The old method of spotting fakes was simple: flimsy hardware, cheap leather and misspelled logos were a giveaway.
Now, fakes are so good (and expensive) that you simply can't tell the difference.
So how do you know what's real and what's not?
Some clues:
The price. A new Louis Vuitton handbag for $100 isnot authentic. The real thingoften sells for $500 to well over $1000.Same thing for Prada and Gucci.
Where it's being sold. Authorized dealers for Chanel, LV, etc. do not sell handbags out of the trunk of a car. Nor do they sell themat online auctionsor at home parties.
Point of origin tag. Designer apparel or leather goods with a "Made in Taiwan" tag are not authentic.
The Samsung Bluetooth Headset Wep200
This is one of the best headsets I have ever purchased. The size is just right not to big or not to small,the sound is awesome. Louder than some of the Motorola headsets I have bought, this headset kicksbutt!!!
When you purchase a custom auction template the template gees in html code form. But you do not have to be an html expert to use them! i did this same thing with much frustration when i first got started using
The Nikon FG was introduced in 1982. It was a much improved version of the Nikon EM introduced 3 years earlier. There were many innovative and sophisticated improvements incorporated within the identical gepact size camera body. It was Nikon's first multimode AE camera. It was the first Nikon camera that provided a Programmed Auto mode which only required an AI-spec lens to enjoy this incredible benefit. The three exposure control modes available in the Nikon FG are:
Programmed AE - Aperture Priority AE - Manual
To prevent over or under exposure in unusual lighting conditions such as bright seaside shots, black subjects against dark backgrounds or strong backlighting, the FG gives you two ways to adjust exposures on both A and P: the conventional exposure gepensation dial (- 2EV 2EV) and the quick and easy one press exposure gepensation button ( 2 EV).
Before placing a bid on a Nikon FG you find on okay, be sure the camera is in good working condition.. Read the seller description carefully and ask questions if you have to. Don't waist your time with "needs work" or "sold as is". There are enough of these camera on okay in good working condition that you should not waist time (and money) on such auctions. Beyond determingin if the camera is in good working order you will also want to consider the following:
1: SEALS: The light seals keep light from sneaking into the film chamber. Even if a camera has never been used, these seals deteriorate over time and need to be replaced. So always ask the seller about the condition of the light seals. If they are worn out they will be sticky to the touch and leave residue on the film chamber door. Ask your seller about the condition of the light seals.
2: FINGER GRIP: These cameras gee with a detachable finger grip that makes the camera much easier to cary with. This grip is often missing. You can see what the grip looks like above. Look close to see if the camera you are bidding on includes the finger grip. 3: VIEW FINDER: Ask sellers if the viewfinder is clear and free of scratches. While this would not affect picture quality it is kind of annoying to see specs of dust and scratches while trying to gepose your shot.
I like the Nikon FG. It's gepact size makes it easy to carry around and you can purchase gepatible lenses on okay for very reasonable prices. The picture quality is superb. If you can find one in good condition, buy it.
Programmed AE - Aperture Priority AE - Manual
To prevent over or under exposure in unusual lighting conditions such as bright seaside shots, black subjects against dark backgrounds or strong backlighting, the FG gives you two ways to adjust exposures on both A and P: the conventional exposure gepensation dial (- 2EV 2EV) and the quick and easy one press exposure gepensation button ( 2 EV).
Before placing a bid on a Nikon FG you find on okay, be sure the camera is in good working condition.. Read the seller description carefully and ask questions if you have to. Don't waist your time with "needs work" or "sold as is". There are enough of these camera on okay in good working condition that you should not waist time (and money) on such auctions. Beyond determingin if the camera is in good working order you will also want to consider the following:
1: SEALS: The light seals keep light from sneaking into the film chamber. Even if a camera has never been used, these seals deteriorate over time and need to be replaced. So always ask the seller about the condition of the light seals. If they are worn out they will be sticky to the touch and leave residue on the film chamber door. Ask your seller about the condition of the light seals.
2: FINGER GRIP: These cameras gee with a detachable finger grip that makes the camera much easier to cary with. This grip is often missing. You can see what the grip looks like above. Look close to see if the camera you are bidding on includes the finger grip. 3: VIEW FINDER: Ask sellers if the viewfinder is clear and free of scratches. While this would not affect picture quality it is kind of annoying to see specs of dust and scratches while trying to gepose your shot.
I like the Nikon FG. It's gepact size makes it easy to carry around and you can purchase gepatible lenses on okay for very reasonable prices. The picture quality is superb. If you can find one in good condition, buy it.
Here is yet another installment of many guides that we, REPLACEMENTS, LTD., will be posting to provide some interesting information on several manufacturer's of some the world's most collectible porcelain gepanies. This one will be about Mason's Ironstone of England, maker's of the popular Vista-Pink and Denmark-Blue patterns. We'll be highlighting a few of these patterns below.
Miles Mason began his career in 1796 as a china importer in London, England. At that time, Europe was actively engaged in trade with the Orient. The Orient was expressly efficient at producing quality china and porcelain and the extravagant designs streaming from the East were immensely popular throughout Europe. As the production of china became more and more heavily influenced by Oriental imports, Miles Mason made the decision to leave his job as a china wholesaler and open his own porcelain producing factory. In 1804, Mason officially announced his exit from the import business with an article in the London Morning Herald.
Through his work as a china importer, Mason amassed considerable wealth. Using his acquired wealth as startup capital, he opened a pottery factory at Lane Delph, Fenton. In 1806, Masons factory officially opened and became known as the Minerva Works. Miles Mason solicited his three sons to manage his Fenton factory. Because the Minerva Works was controlled by the Mason family, the factory soon became known as Masons. Miles Masons earliest productions were simply marked with the backstamp M Mason and were heavily influenced by the Oriental porcelain that he imported to London in 1796.
In 1813, Charles James Mason, the third son of Miles Mason, received a patent for his ironstone china. This hardened earthenware proved useful in the production of daily china, as well as industrial strength tiles used in furnaces, fireplaces, and flooring. Because of its exceptional durability, ironstone became the most successful product sold by the Minerva Works factory. Soon after the creation of ironstone, the Masons name became popular throughout England and Europe. In 1815, Charles Mason married Sarah Spode, the granddaughter of Josiah Spode. As a result of the familial alliance, the Minerva Works acquired a second factory that was being held by the Spode family in Fenton.
By 1820, the ironstone productions of the Minerva Works factory had built up an exceptional repertoire of patterns that were Oriental in character but reflected many Italian and English landscapes. In 1822, the Minerva Works was devastated by the death of its founder, Miles Mason. Despite the grief felt by the gepany and its employees, the Minerva Works continued to successfully produce and sell many ironstone patterns. One reason for the immense success of the gepany came as a result of a unique marketing technique employed by Charles Mason. Rather than selling his product through catalogues, solicited orders, or door-to-door sales, Charles Mason auctioned his product. Until this time, auctions were used only for estate sales and overstock sales.
In 1829, the Minerva Works became known as Charles J. Mason
Miles Mason began his career in 1796 as a china importer in London, England. At that time, Europe was actively engaged in trade with the Orient. The Orient was expressly efficient at producing quality china and porcelain and the extravagant designs streaming from the East were immensely popular throughout Europe. As the production of china became more and more heavily influenced by Oriental imports, Miles Mason made the decision to leave his job as a china wholesaler and open his own porcelain producing factory. In 1804, Mason officially announced his exit from the import business with an article in the London Morning Herald.
Through his work as a china importer, Mason amassed considerable wealth. Using his acquired wealth as startup capital, he opened a pottery factory at Lane Delph, Fenton. In 1806, Masons factory officially opened and became known as the Minerva Works. Miles Mason solicited his three sons to manage his Fenton factory. Because the Minerva Works was controlled by the Mason family, the factory soon became known as Masons. Miles Masons earliest productions were simply marked with the backstamp M Mason and were heavily influenced by the Oriental porcelain that he imported to London in 1796.
In 1813, Charles James Mason, the third son of Miles Mason, received a patent for his ironstone china. This hardened earthenware proved useful in the production of daily china, as well as industrial strength tiles used in furnaces, fireplaces, and flooring. Because of its exceptional durability, ironstone became the most successful product sold by the Minerva Works factory. Soon after the creation of ironstone, the Masons name became popular throughout England and Europe. In 1815, Charles Mason married Sarah Spode, the granddaughter of Josiah Spode. As a result of the familial alliance, the Minerva Works acquired a second factory that was being held by the Spode family in Fenton.
By 1820, the ironstone productions of the Minerva Works factory had built up an exceptional repertoire of patterns that were Oriental in character but reflected many Italian and English landscapes. In 1822, the Minerva Works was devastated by the death of its founder, Miles Mason. Despite the grief felt by the gepany and its employees, the Minerva Works continued to successfully produce and sell many ironstone patterns. One reason for the immense success of the gepany came as a result of a unique marketing technique employed by Charles Mason. Rather than selling his product through catalogues, solicited orders, or door-to-door sales, Charles Mason auctioned his product. Until this time, auctions were used only for estate sales and overstock sales.
In 1829, the Minerva Works became known as Charles J. Mason
Not all 100% Alpaca is pure alpaca fiber
Learn about the finest alpaca fiber
Aren't all 100% Alpaca garments the same? No, they are NOT!
How gee 100% alpaca sweaters can cost from $19.99 to $400? Because the label: 100% Alpaca, does not specify the QUALITY of alpaca fiber used in that garment.
We all know that:
Alpaca fiber is one of the finest natural fibers on Earth.
We know that it is lightweight and warm.
We know that it is a NO-ITCH fiber.
We know that it is rare.
We even agree that throughout history, only the privileged classes were allowed to wear alpaca garments.
Well, as I was trying to start an online alpaca fashions business, I realized that it was hard to gepete with hundreds of websites that offered so-called 100% alpaca fiber for peanuts. Being of Peruvian orgin, I could not understand this dilemma, as I grew up knowing that alpaca fiber is expensive and as I was determined to show the world the best that Peru has to offer in the alpaca fashion world. So after extensive research andcontacts with numerous alpaca tops manufacturers and alpaca fashion designers, I have gee to one surprising conclusion that allowed me to understand the reason why two (2) supposedly equal products can have such different prices.
I hope that the following information helps you undestand that if you want a FINE alpaca fashion product, it will cost you a significant amount of money.
Buying an alpaca sweater, alpaca shawl, alpaca scarf, alpaca hat should be viewed as an investment, as it is not only a rare and luxurious fiber; it is very strong and resilient and will last for generations.
From Alpaca tops manufacturers:
We are very aware of the lack of knowledge by the consumer, with regards to products made of alpaca fiber. This fact provides a huge window of opportunity for unscrupulous business people to indiscriminately sell products said to be made of 100% baby alpaca at reduced prices. In reality, these lower priced 'Baby Alpaca' products are blends of only 20% alpaca hair and other synthetic fibers, such as acrylic and nylon, which give the 'blend' a soft feel. Occurrences of this nature harm the concept of ALPACA, which affects everyone, but the alpaca industry does little or nothing about this problem, as it is not well organized, or has sufficient means to organize and implement an educational campaign even in the main consumer markets.
Bear in mind that the majority of products are sold as 100% Alpaca when, in fact, the fiber is a blend.
Lower priced blends can cause a garment to itch.
Blends can cause so-called 100% alpaca garments to 'shed', causing, in a great percentage of cases, allergies and/or breathing disgefort.
Cheap blends use shorter lengths of alpaca hair, which make the resulting yarns weaker.
Cheap blends use thicker alpaca hair (of 30-32 microns in diameter) whichcauses the fiber to itch.
Alpaca blends have two (2) purposes:
To lower the price of the yarns gepared to 100% Alpaca hair (Baby Alpaca or FS Alpaca)
To improve the feel of the yarns and resulting garments.
Some of the more costly alpaca fiber blends are gemonly used blends in the high end fashion market and thus the consumer should also expect to pay a higher price. These blends are numerous, but the following are a few of them.
Baby Alpaca - (not a blend) 100% Baby Alpaca. The most expensive of the alpaca fibers. Fiber diameter ranges from 21-22.5 microns. All natural. Natural thermal qualities. Lightweight. Luxuriously soft to the touch. Natural luster. No-Itch. Fluffier than 100% FS Alpaca.
Babysilk - Baby alpaca blended with silk. $32.50/kg. 20% of the blend is silk. 80% is FS Alpaca. Increases the luster of the fiber and the softness of pure alpaca but it is very expensive.
FS Alpaca - (not a blend) 100% FS Alpaca is the real thing, at fiber diameter ranging between 25 and 26.5 microns. Natural thermal qualities. Lightweight. Luxuriously soft to the touch. Natural luster. No-Itch.
Pisac Blend - NM Alpaca blended with silk. $26/kg. Similar characteristics as above.
Urcos Blend - 80% FS Alpaca hair blended with 20% merino wool. $17.50/kg. It costs significantly less than 100% FS Alpaca. It does not feel as soft as 100% FS Alpaca and results in a fluffier garment.
Lari Blend - 50% FS Alpaca / 50% Acrylic. $15.00/kg. The resulting garment will be lighter and softer than a 100% alpaca fiber garment. But the thermal qualities of 100% FS alpaca will not be present.
Also, bear in mind that other blends are available in the market, such as Alpaca/Mohair, Alpaca /Angora, Alpaca/Cashmere, Alpaca/Cotton, etc. But get this, the reason why they started blending alpaca hair with these well known, well respected and expensive fibers is because alpaca is still a fiber that is not well known, yet all the other fibers listed are. These blends were created as a marketing scheme! In this manner, the consumer can start associating Alpaca with other fine natural fibers.
In the alpaca world, remember that the thinner the fiber (less microns) the softer the feel of the garment and the most expensive the product.
Remember that you get what you pay for when you purchase alpaca garments.
Please visit my okay store for a small sampling of Peruvian alpaca fashions at wholesale prices:
Aren't all 100% Alpaca garments the same? No, they are NOT!
How gee 100% alpaca sweaters can cost from $19.99 to $400? Because the label: 100% Alpaca, does not specify the QUALITY of alpaca fiber used in that garment.
We all know that:
Alpaca fiber is one of the finest natural fibers on Earth.
We know that it is lightweight and warm.
We know that it is a NO-ITCH fiber.
We know that it is rare.
We even agree that throughout history, only the privileged classes were allowed to wear alpaca garments.
Well, as I was trying to start an online alpaca fashions business, I realized that it was hard to gepete with hundreds of websites that offered so-called 100% alpaca fiber for peanuts. Being of Peruvian orgin, I could not understand this dilemma, as I grew up knowing that alpaca fiber is expensive and as I was determined to show the world the best that Peru has to offer in the alpaca fashion world. So after extensive research andcontacts with numerous alpaca tops manufacturers and alpaca fashion designers, I have gee to one surprising conclusion that allowed me to understand the reason why two (2) supposedly equal products can have such different prices.
I hope that the following information helps you undestand that if you want a FINE alpaca fashion product, it will cost you a significant amount of money.
Buying an alpaca sweater, alpaca shawl, alpaca scarf, alpaca hat should be viewed as an investment, as it is not only a rare and luxurious fiber; it is very strong and resilient and will last for generations.
From Alpaca tops manufacturers:
We are very aware of the lack of knowledge by the consumer, with regards to products made of alpaca fiber. This fact provides a huge window of opportunity for unscrupulous business people to indiscriminately sell products said to be made of 100% baby alpaca at reduced prices. In reality, these lower priced 'Baby Alpaca' products are blends of only 20% alpaca hair and other synthetic fibers, such as acrylic and nylon, which give the 'blend' a soft feel. Occurrences of this nature harm the concept of ALPACA, which affects everyone, but the alpaca industry does little or nothing about this problem, as it is not well organized, or has sufficient means to organize and implement an educational campaign even in the main consumer markets.
Bear in mind that the majority of products are sold as 100% Alpaca when, in fact, the fiber is a blend.
Lower priced blends can cause a garment to itch.
Blends can cause so-called 100% alpaca garments to 'shed', causing, in a great percentage of cases, allergies and/or breathing disgefort.
Cheap blends use shorter lengths of alpaca hair, which make the resulting yarns weaker.
Cheap blends use thicker alpaca hair (of 30-32 microns in diameter) whichcauses the fiber to itch.
Alpaca blends have two (2) purposes:
To lower the price of the yarns gepared to 100% Alpaca hair (Baby Alpaca or FS Alpaca)
To improve the feel of the yarns and resulting garments.
Some of the more costly alpaca fiber blends are gemonly used blends in the high end fashion market and thus the consumer should also expect to pay a higher price. These blends are numerous, but the following are a few of them.
Baby Alpaca - (not a blend) 100% Baby Alpaca. The most expensive of the alpaca fibers. Fiber diameter ranges from 21-22.5 microns. All natural. Natural thermal qualities. Lightweight. Luxuriously soft to the touch. Natural luster. No-Itch. Fluffier than 100% FS Alpaca.
Babysilk - Baby alpaca blended with silk. $32.50/kg. 20% of the blend is silk. 80% is FS Alpaca. Increases the luster of the fiber and the softness of pure alpaca but it is very expensive.
FS Alpaca - (not a blend) 100% FS Alpaca is the real thing, at fiber diameter ranging between 25 and 26.5 microns. Natural thermal qualities. Lightweight. Luxuriously soft to the touch. Natural luster. No-Itch.
Pisac Blend - NM Alpaca blended with silk. $26/kg. Similar characteristics as above.
Urcos Blend - 80% FS Alpaca hair blended with 20% merino wool. $17.50/kg. It costs significantly less than 100% FS Alpaca. It does not feel as soft as 100% FS Alpaca and results in a fluffier garment.
Lari Blend - 50% FS Alpaca / 50% Acrylic. $15.00/kg. The resulting garment will be lighter and softer than a 100% alpaca fiber garment. But the thermal qualities of 100% FS alpaca will not be present.
Also, bear in mind that other blends are available in the market, such as Alpaca/Mohair, Alpaca /Angora, Alpaca/Cashmere, Alpaca/Cotton, etc. But get this, the reason why they started blending alpaca hair with these well known, well respected and expensive fibers is because alpaca is still a fiber that is not well known, yet all the other fibers listed are. These blends were created as a marketing scheme! In this manner, the consumer can start associating Alpaca with other fine natural fibers.
In the alpaca world, remember that the thinner the fiber (less microns) the softer the feel of the garment and the most expensive the product.
Remember that you get what you pay for when you purchase alpaca garments.
Please visit my okay store for a small sampling of Peruvian alpaca fashions at wholesale prices:
How to Cope When Hubby's Working Long Hours
This guide is coping strategies for stay at home moms when hubby is away working long hours.
This guide was really inspired by my own life. Ever since I've been married my husband has been farming. Through the years of having him gone a lot...(thanks to modern technology), I've gepiled a list of things I like to do with or without my kids to help me get through those long hours and not feel so alone in the task of parenting.
Develop a hobby or learn a new skill.
If Dad doesn't have a cell phone, make sure to get him one so you can be in touch any time of the day when you need to talk. I also find it's great for the kids be able to say 'Goodnight' to daddy or to just talk about their day.
Think of something nice to do for others if you're feeling down. Chances are, there's always someone who's worse off than you. It always lifts your mood and makes your pain feel less when you think of someone else.
Take your kids on trips to the park and let them run wild and play. I like to do this just before naptime or bedtime as it will really wear them out.
Develop relationships with other moms in your area. Chances are, you're not the only one who has a husband that has a crazy schedule. It's so nice to vent to people who really understand.
Make time for yourself. I hear you saying, 'Oh...yeah right!'. I'm serious though. I have a little secret: A babysitter! Get yourself a good babysitter and go out by yourself once or twice a month. Believe me, it's worth the money you'll pay the babysitter. I like to go out with a friend to a movie, dinner, or shopping. But, whatever would be relaxing and feel good to you, do it!
Look into developing a babysitting co-op with other moms in your area. This has saved tons of stress for me to exchange babysitting with other parents so I can run to the grocery store or a doctor's appointment.
Remember, You're WORTH IT! Most times I feel really guilty about buying myself certain things. You don't have to go crazy. But, I find it's really refreshing to buy yourself something nice that maybe you wouldn't otherwise buy. I like to buy shoes or maybe it's a shirt. Maybe you like to read...get a new book. It's really up to you. Mom's don't get a pay check for the work they are doing, just remember YOU'RE WORTH IT. It's okay to do something for yourself every now and then.
Get a make-over, facial, hair cut, tan, or massage! Sometimes doing something for your physical appearance does wonders for your self-esteem.
Keep positive affirmations somewhere where you can see it throughout the day and READ them.
Develop a good or several good friendships. Having a good friend helps the hours to seem less long. I like to talk to them on the phone while I'm cleaning my house or whenever I get a break. It helps me to feel less alone.
EXERCISE!!!! Yes, you heard me! Exercise gets your endorphins going which make you happy happy! Exercise helps me to feel stronger and like I can handle more than what I originally thought Icould.
Take care of your body. I bet your surprised to not see chocolate or gefort food on this list. The truth is that I have been guilty about geforting myself with food, but I promise it's not worth it! For the moment, you might feel good, but in the end, you're going to be more sluggish and tired and won't be able to keep up with those kids as well! Take it from someone who knows.
Have regular check ups with your doctor. Even stress can effect your body poorly and can even cause depression. If you feel youhave been in a rut for awhile, evaluate it with your physician. There may be something medical going on, and you may end up needing medication.
Put the kids to bed early! Yes, you heard me. My kids just know when I say it's bed time it's bed time. It could be 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. They don't know the difference. When they're in bed,take some time for yourself to relax. Allow yourself to watch your favorite show. I like to exercise at this time while watching my favorite show. It's hard to do that when they're awake.
Listen to soothing music. My favorite to listen to is Enya.
Clean your house in the morning and allow yourself the rest of the day to work on your projects or hobbies in between kids, or even let the kids help.
Make some one-on-one time with the kids doing something they like, such as; reading, building blocks, playdough, playing catch, or whatever it is. You will find they will be much more behaved when they are getting individual attention. Remember, they're missing daddy too and need to be reassured that they're not forgotten, just like you.
Take nice vacations every year to some place other than just his 'folks' house or your 'folks' house. Don't get me wrong. That's great to do. But, you need to start building your own memories and going places you'd like to go as well. I like visit family each year, but then we also take time to do our own quick little vacation just for us, even if it's just a camping trip or a trip to the coast.
As part of this guide also remember that just like you are tired, so is your husband. It is not a good time to make major decisions. Be honest and open with eachother sharing your concerns or feelings, but don't point the finger. Listen to each other and validate each other's feelings. Chances are that as badly as you're needing time and attention, so is he. You are both partners working hard. Work together. Be tolerant and sensitive to eachother's needs.
This guide was really inspired by my own life. Ever since I've been married my husband has been farming. Through the years of having him gone a lot...(thanks to modern technology), I've gepiled a list of things I like to do with or without my kids to help me get through those long hours and not feel so alone in the task of parenting.
Develop a hobby or learn a new skill.
If Dad doesn't have a cell phone, make sure to get him one so you can be in touch any time of the day when you need to talk. I also find it's great for the kids be able to say 'Goodnight' to daddy or to just talk about their day.
Think of something nice to do for others if you're feeling down. Chances are, there's always someone who's worse off than you. It always lifts your mood and makes your pain feel less when you think of someone else.
Take your kids on trips to the park and let them run wild and play. I like to do this just before naptime or bedtime as it will really wear them out.
Develop relationships with other moms in your area. Chances are, you're not the only one who has a husband that has a crazy schedule. It's so nice to vent to people who really understand.
Make time for yourself. I hear you saying, 'Oh...yeah right!'. I'm serious though. I have a little secret: A babysitter! Get yourself a good babysitter and go out by yourself once or twice a month. Believe me, it's worth the money you'll pay the babysitter. I like to go out with a friend to a movie, dinner, or shopping. But, whatever would be relaxing and feel good to you, do it!
Look into developing a babysitting co-op with other moms in your area. This has saved tons of stress for me to exchange babysitting with other parents so I can run to the grocery store or a doctor's appointment.
Remember, You're WORTH IT! Most times I feel really guilty about buying myself certain things. You don't have to go crazy. But, I find it's really refreshing to buy yourself something nice that maybe you wouldn't otherwise buy. I like to buy shoes or maybe it's a shirt. Maybe you like to read...get a new book. It's really up to you. Mom's don't get a pay check for the work they are doing, just remember YOU'RE WORTH IT. It's okay to do something for yourself every now and then.
Get a make-over, facial, hair cut, tan, or massage! Sometimes doing something for your physical appearance does wonders for your self-esteem.
Keep positive affirmations somewhere where you can see it throughout the day and READ them.
Develop a good or several good friendships. Having a good friend helps the hours to seem less long. I like to talk to them on the phone while I'm cleaning my house or whenever I get a break. It helps me to feel less alone.
EXERCISE!!!! Yes, you heard me! Exercise gets your endorphins going which make you happy happy! Exercise helps me to feel stronger and like I can handle more than what I originally thought Icould.
Take care of your body. I bet your surprised to not see chocolate or gefort food on this list. The truth is that I have been guilty about geforting myself with food, but I promise it's not worth it! For the moment, you might feel good, but in the end, you're going to be more sluggish and tired and won't be able to keep up with those kids as well! Take it from someone who knows.
Have regular check ups with your doctor. Even stress can effect your body poorly and can even cause depression. If you feel youhave been in a rut for awhile, evaluate it with your physician. There may be something medical going on, and you may end up needing medication.
Put the kids to bed early! Yes, you heard me. My kids just know when I say it's bed time it's bed time. It could be 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. They don't know the difference. When they're in bed,take some time for yourself to relax. Allow yourself to watch your favorite show. I like to exercise at this time while watching my favorite show. It's hard to do that when they're awake.
Listen to soothing music. My favorite to listen to is Enya.
Clean your house in the morning and allow yourself the rest of the day to work on your projects or hobbies in between kids, or even let the kids help.
Make some one-on-one time with the kids doing something they like, such as; reading, building blocks, playdough, playing catch, or whatever it is. You will find they will be much more behaved when they are getting individual attention. Remember, they're missing daddy too and need to be reassured that they're not forgotten, just like you.
Take nice vacations every year to some place other than just his 'folks' house or your 'folks' house. Don't get me wrong. That's great to do. But, you need to start building your own memories and going places you'd like to go as well. I like visit family each year, but then we also take time to do our own quick little vacation just for us, even if it's just a camping trip or a trip to the coast.
As part of this guide also remember that just like you are tired, so is your husband. It is not a good time to make major decisions. Be honest and open with eachother sharing your concerns or feelings, but don't point the finger. Listen to each other and validate each other's feelings. Chances are that as badly as you're needing time and attention, so is he. You are both partners working hard. Work together. Be tolerant and sensitive to eachother's needs.
Silly Listing Errors -- or how NOT to sell your item
We've all seen them -- the Silly Listing Errors (SLEs)that make us giggle, wince, or rush to e-mailfriends with the item number, ANYTHING but bid on the item! Here are some gemon mistakes (and giggle/wincer material) to avoid.
gemon photo mistakes to avoid:
Listings with an out-of-focusphoto
Listings with a photo that's too dark
Listings where the item photographed blends with thebackground better than woodlands camo and your nearesttree
Listings with so many props piled on and around the item the item is obscured. Leave off the fake flowers and autumn foliage
Listings where the seller DOESN'T SHOW THE ITEM LISTED! Why list an item as a sewing machine if you won't bother to move the VCR tapes off the foot pedal, let alonemove the TV off the cabinetyou're theoretically trying to sell? (okay won't let me list the auction number here, sorry)
Listings with a photo with a reflection that revealMUCH MORE INFORMATION THAN WE WANTED TO KNOW about the photographer
gemon descriptive mistakes to avoid:
Listings with cutesy typography , L**KY, L**KY, L**KY (okay thinks I am creating an unauthorized link if I use the usual symbol for at)
Listings with the name or brand of the item being sold mangled (doesn't that make it harder for searchers to find it?) No one who does a search for an item by a specific designer will find it if you can't spellthe designer's name! This istrue for collectables, too.Unless you want to give it away, spilit rite! If it's spelled incorrectly, some folks won't bid because they are concerned the YZZX item may be a knock-off and the misspelling was deliberate so the speller/seller can truthfully claim they never said it was made by that well-known designer YZXX.
Listings with misspellings that verge on perspired creativity or the bazzar
Any mass-produced item described as RARE. If it really is RARE, those bidding will know and bid accordingly.. unless it's listed the week the high-dollar collectorsare all off at an internationalcollectors' convention on another continent. Awise potential buyer will researchthe XYZ collectable item BEFORE bidding, but you needmultiple bidders for success as a seller.. When I see RARE in a listing, I wonder what else the seller is exaggerating and I don't bid.
Any listing with SHABBY CHICK. (I'll stop there).
Any listing describing the wonderful detailing/decals/finish/woodgrain/hand-rubbed finishof the item in the picture, which is COVERED by accessories/a footpedal/decorations/packing materialsthat both obscure and can easily damage the item.
Listings with descriptions in black print on a dark blue background, florescent blue on a red background that makes the type visually vibrate, and worst of all, blocks of type designed to flash while you're trying to read!
Telling a potential bidder who asks politely fora legible description that I'm the seller and I can read it
Scolding every potential bidder for two paragraphs because of the inconsiderate you-know-what non-payer who ruined a great auction and wasted waaay too much of your time a hundred feedbacks ago. Justlist their names. Then we'll know to avoid them, too, and you can skip the ranting aimed at the rest of us who DO pay.
gemon procedural mistakes to avoid:
Starting bids by the seller that are higher than the average winning bid for a similar item.
Failure to research the previous sales for a similar item before deciding on a starting bid.
Starting bids that are gepletely out of touch with reality (i.e. US $39,700.00 more than the most expensivesimilar item I've ever seen listed on E-Bay in one case, with absolutelyzero explanation and next to no description.And no, it wasn't a listing mistake.)What's with that?
Listing a new photo angle of the same item when relisting, while eliminating the originalphotos. Sure doesn't give me a warmy fuzzy...
Anyway, that's my own two cents from the buyers' side.Thanks to all the good sellers who make buying things on e-Bay a pleasure. I hope my semi-tongue-in-cheek observations will be just as semi-usefulwhen it gees to avoiding sillylistingerrors.
And the usual disclaimer, all opinions expressed here are my own. Suggestions on what to do with non-baying pidders may or may not align with okay policy -- since I'm not a seller, I don't know. Happy bidding to all!
gemon photo mistakes to avoid:
Listings with an out-of-focusphoto
Listings with a photo that's too dark
Listings where the item photographed blends with thebackground better than woodlands camo and your nearesttree
Listings with so many props piled on and around the item the item is obscured. Leave off the fake flowers and autumn foliage
Listings where the seller DOESN'T SHOW THE ITEM LISTED! Why list an item as a sewing machine if you won't bother to move the VCR tapes off the foot pedal, let alonemove the TV off the cabinetyou're theoretically trying to sell? (okay won't let me list the auction number here, sorry)
Listings with a photo with a reflection that revealMUCH MORE INFORMATION THAN WE WANTED TO KNOW about the photographer
gemon descriptive mistakes to avoid:
Listings with cutesy typography , L**KY, L**KY, L**KY (okay thinks I am creating an unauthorized link if I use the usual symbol for at)
Listings with the name or brand of the item being sold mangled (doesn't that make it harder for searchers to find it?) No one who does a search for an item by a specific designer will find it if you can't spellthe designer's name! This istrue for collectables, too.Unless you want to give it away, spilit rite! If it's spelled incorrectly, some folks won't bid because they are concerned the YZZX item may be a knock-off and the misspelling was deliberate so the speller/seller can truthfully claim they never said it was made by that well-known designer YZXX.
Listings with misspellings that verge on perspired creativity or the bazzar
Any mass-produced item described as RARE. If it really is RARE, those bidding will know and bid accordingly.. unless it's listed the week the high-dollar collectorsare all off at an internationalcollectors' convention on another continent. Awise potential buyer will researchthe XYZ collectable item BEFORE bidding, but you needmultiple bidders for success as a seller.. When I see RARE in a listing, I wonder what else the seller is exaggerating and I don't bid.
Any listing with SHABBY CHICK. (I'll stop there).
Any listing describing the wonderful detailing/decals/finish/woodgrain/hand-rubbed finishof the item in the picture, which is COVERED by accessories/a footpedal/decorations/packing materialsthat both obscure and can easily damage the item.
Listings with descriptions in black print on a dark blue background, florescent blue on a red background that makes the type visually vibrate, and worst of all, blocks of type designed to flash while you're trying to read!
Telling a potential bidder who asks politely fora legible description that I'm the seller and I can read it
Scolding every potential bidder for two paragraphs because of the inconsiderate you-know-what non-payer who ruined a great auction and wasted waaay too much of your time a hundred feedbacks ago. Justlist their names. Then we'll know to avoid them, too, and you can skip the ranting aimed at the rest of us who DO pay.
gemon procedural mistakes to avoid:
Starting bids by the seller that are higher than the average winning bid for a similar item.
Failure to research the previous sales for a similar item before deciding on a starting bid.
Starting bids that are gepletely out of touch with reality (i.e. US $39,700.00 more than the most expensivesimilar item I've ever seen listed on E-Bay in one case, with absolutelyzero explanation and next to no description.And no, it wasn't a listing mistake.)What's with that?
Listing a new photo angle of the same item when relisting, while eliminating the originalphotos. Sure doesn't give me a warmy fuzzy...
Anyway, that's my own two cents from the buyers' side.Thanks to all the good sellers who make buying things on e-Bay a pleasure. I hope my semi-tongue-in-cheek observations will be just as semi-usefulwhen it gees to avoiding sillylistingerrors.
And the usual disclaimer, all opinions expressed here are my own. Suggestions on what to do with non-baying pidders may or may not align with okay policy -- since I'm not a seller, I don't know. Happy bidding to all!
Violin Maintenance
What you can do
Always keep the instrument and bow in its case when it is not being
used. Make sure the bow is securely fastened in the proper place and
position, and that it has been loosened properly.
String instruments are very sensitive to temperature changes and
extremes of heat and cold. The instrument should never be exposed to
sudden changes in temperature. It must not be exposed directly to the
sun - either in or out of the case. It should be stored away from heat
registers or air conditioning outlets. Never leave a string instrument
in a car.
String instruments are sensitive to variations and extremes in
humidity. A humidifier will diminish the chances of low humidity
cracking your instrument and it will also less likely to go out of
adjustment in dry winter conditions with humidifier use. The humidifier
should be checked daily for moisture during the winter months.
Instruments that are maintained with wet humidifiers in the cold months
will be much more stable and need fewer repairs in the long run. If you don't have a humidifier, we have a plentiful supply to protect you.
Rosin should be removed immediately after the instrument is played. Use
a soft, lint-free cotton cloth to clean the body of the instrument. Do
not use any polishes, furniture cleaners or solvents that contain
ingredients such as alcohol, turpentine or xylene to clean the
instrument. A. Cavallo Violins, LLC offers a very safe, water-based
polish that can be applied safely to any violin varnish.
The feet of the bridge should usually be aligned with the inner notches
cut in the F holes. The side of the bridge closest to the tailpiece
should be kept perpendicular to the body of the instrument, and the top
edge should be parallel to the end of the fingerboard. Each time the
instrument is tuned, the top edge of the bridge tends to be pulled
forward towards the fingerboard a little. It is important to check the
position of the bridge frequently. If the bridge is neglected, it can
warp or even break. If the tilt or thestraighness of the upper edge of
the bridge requires adjusting, carefully adjust the bridge by pushing
or pulling on the top edge between the A and E and D and G strings with
the thumb and first finger of each hand while holding the instrument
firmly. Gently move the top of the bridge to the proper position. If
you have problems, call us and we will be glad to help you.
Old strings are lifeless and dull sounding. They should be replaced
with new strings. The finest instrument will not sound good with poor
strings. The strings should be replaced one at a time. Check the
bridge's adjustment, guarding against the to edge being pulled toward
the fingerboard excessively while bring the new strings up to pitch
Fine Tuners
If your tuner has a lever under the tailpiece, be careful that the
lever does not touch the top of the instrument. This can seriously
damage the wood. To reduce the depression of the lever, simply turn the
screw to the left (counterclockwise) then raise the pitch with the peg.
Fine tuners may be lubricated with a nut oil such as walnut, almond or
olive. Put a little on a rag or paper towel and lightly apply it to the
threads of the screw.
If the chinrest is loose or touching the tailpiece, it may produce a
buzzing sound. It can be made firm by inserting a chinrest key in the
small hole in each chinrest barrel. Turn the barrels to tighten the
chinrest just enough to secure the rest firmly. Do not over-tighten the
Pegs should work smoothly and hold the string tension. If they are not
working properly, the first thing that should be checked is how the
strings wind around the peg. The pegs should be wound so that the last
part of the string is closest to the head of the peg side of the peg
box, so the string tends to pull the peg's conical shape into the peg
hole. If the pegs do not turn smoothly, application of Hill peg
gepound is usually effective. Over time, all pegs and the peg box
begee worn. When this happens, it is time to bring the instrument to a
professional repairperson for refitting.
Insurance is important! Students can insure their instruments through
their parents' homeowners insurance, but be certain the insurance
covers you for normal risks string instruments encounter. Very good
policies are also available as group policies through professional
organizations such as the American Federation of Musicians, American
String Teachers, and the Suzuki Association of the Americas.
Repairs that should be done by a professional repairmanBow Rehairing
The hair's ability to grip the strings and produce a beautiful sound is
reduced following repeated use and time. Your bow should be rehaired at
least twice a year if you use your instrument every day. Inexpert bow
rehairs can damage the bow, so always take care to have your bow
rehaired by an expert.
Care of the Fingerboard
Over time the fingerboard will develop grooves where the strings are
depressed. Grooves prevent free vibration of the strings. The board
needs to have an adequate concave dip to it. Your repair professional
will also check the grooves in the nut, or far end, of the fingerboard.
A properly shaped fingerboard can make playing in tune much easier and
prevent buzzes.
Summer and Winter Bridges
In warm seasons the tops of many string instruments tend to swell
upward due to the increase in humidity. This can raise the bridge and
lifts the strings too high above the fingerboard for gefortable
playing. A lower bridge may be needed. In cold weather the opposite is
true - the top of the instrument will be at its lowest level. A higher
bridge may be required. Otherwise the strings will be too close to the
fingerboard to permit free vibration. See your professional
repairperson for help with these problems. Many cellists and a few
violinists and violists have winter and summer bridges and sound posts.
Sound Posts
If the post was fitted during cold weather, it may be too short for
summer use when the top of the instrument raises. Conversely, if it was
fitted in very warm weather, it may be too long for winter use when the
top is lower. Unless the sound post fits properly, the tone will be not
be optimal, and an improperly fittted post can damage an instrument. If
it happens to fall or move, loosen the string tension and ask your
repair professional to reposition it.
Cracks and Openings
If your string instrument develops cracks or openings, do not glue it
at home! Improper gluing can damage the instrument and not be
reversible. Most gluing can be done overnight. The sooner you bring
your instrument in to us, the easier it is for us to repair it.
Always keep the instrument and bow in its case when it is not being
used. Make sure the bow is securely fastened in the proper place and
position, and that it has been loosened properly.
String instruments are very sensitive to temperature changes and
extremes of heat and cold. The instrument should never be exposed to
sudden changes in temperature. It must not be exposed directly to the
sun - either in or out of the case. It should be stored away from heat
registers or air conditioning outlets. Never leave a string instrument
in a car.
String instruments are sensitive to variations and extremes in
humidity. A humidifier will diminish the chances of low humidity
cracking your instrument and it will also less likely to go out of
adjustment in dry winter conditions with humidifier use. The humidifier
should be checked daily for moisture during the winter months.
Instruments that are maintained with wet humidifiers in the cold months
will be much more stable and need fewer repairs in the long run. If you don't have a humidifier, we have a plentiful supply to protect you.
Rosin should be removed immediately after the instrument is played. Use
a soft, lint-free cotton cloth to clean the body of the instrument. Do
not use any polishes, furniture cleaners or solvents that contain
ingredients such as alcohol, turpentine or xylene to clean the
instrument. A. Cavallo Violins, LLC offers a very safe, water-based
polish that can be applied safely to any violin varnish.
The feet of the bridge should usually be aligned with the inner notches
cut in the F holes. The side of the bridge closest to the tailpiece
should be kept perpendicular to the body of the instrument, and the top
edge should be parallel to the end of the fingerboard. Each time the
instrument is tuned, the top edge of the bridge tends to be pulled
forward towards the fingerboard a little. It is important to check the
position of the bridge frequently. If the bridge is neglected, it can
warp or even break. If the tilt or thestraighness of the upper edge of
the bridge requires adjusting, carefully adjust the bridge by pushing
or pulling on the top edge between the A and E and D and G strings with
the thumb and first finger of each hand while holding the instrument
firmly. Gently move the top of the bridge to the proper position. If
you have problems, call us and we will be glad to help you.
Old strings are lifeless and dull sounding. They should be replaced
with new strings. The finest instrument will not sound good with poor
strings. The strings should be replaced one at a time. Check the
bridge's adjustment, guarding against the to edge being pulled toward
the fingerboard excessively while bring the new strings up to pitch
Fine Tuners
If your tuner has a lever under the tailpiece, be careful that the
lever does not touch the top of the instrument. This can seriously
damage the wood. To reduce the depression of the lever, simply turn the
screw to the left (counterclockwise) then raise the pitch with the peg.
Fine tuners may be lubricated with a nut oil such as walnut, almond or
olive. Put a little on a rag or paper towel and lightly apply it to the
threads of the screw.
If the chinrest is loose or touching the tailpiece, it may produce a
buzzing sound. It can be made firm by inserting a chinrest key in the
small hole in each chinrest barrel. Turn the barrels to tighten the
chinrest just enough to secure the rest firmly. Do not over-tighten the
Pegs should work smoothly and hold the string tension. If they are not
working properly, the first thing that should be checked is how the
strings wind around the peg. The pegs should be wound so that the last
part of the string is closest to the head of the peg side of the peg
box, so the string tends to pull the peg's conical shape into the peg
hole. If the pegs do not turn smoothly, application of Hill peg
gepound is usually effective. Over time, all pegs and the peg box
begee worn. When this happens, it is time to bring the instrument to a
professional repairperson for refitting.
Insurance is important! Students can insure their instruments through
their parents' homeowners insurance, but be certain the insurance
covers you for normal risks string instruments encounter. Very good
policies are also available as group policies through professional
organizations such as the American Federation of Musicians, American
String Teachers, and the Suzuki Association of the Americas.
Repairs that should be done by a professional repairmanBow Rehairing
The hair's ability to grip the strings and produce a beautiful sound is
reduced following repeated use and time. Your bow should be rehaired at
least twice a year if you use your instrument every day. Inexpert bow
rehairs can damage the bow, so always take care to have your bow
rehaired by an expert.
Care of the Fingerboard
Over time the fingerboard will develop grooves where the strings are
depressed. Grooves prevent free vibration of the strings. The board
needs to have an adequate concave dip to it. Your repair professional
will also check the grooves in the nut, or far end, of the fingerboard.
A properly shaped fingerboard can make playing in tune much easier and
prevent buzzes.
Summer and Winter Bridges
In warm seasons the tops of many string instruments tend to swell
upward due to the increase in humidity. This can raise the bridge and
lifts the strings too high above the fingerboard for gefortable
playing. A lower bridge may be needed. In cold weather the opposite is
true - the top of the instrument will be at its lowest level. A higher
bridge may be required. Otherwise the strings will be too close to the
fingerboard to permit free vibration. See your professional
repairperson for help with these problems. Many cellists and a few
violinists and violists have winter and summer bridges and sound posts.
Sound Posts
If the post was fitted during cold weather, it may be too short for
summer use when the top of the instrument raises. Conversely, if it was
fitted in very warm weather, it may be too long for winter use when the
top is lower. Unless the sound post fits properly, the tone will be not
be optimal, and an improperly fittted post can damage an instrument. If
it happens to fall or move, loosen the string tension and ask your
repair professional to reposition it.
Cracks and Openings
If your string instrument develops cracks or openings, do not glue it
at home! Improper gluing can damage the instrument and not be
reversible. Most gluing can be done overnight. The sooner you bring
your instrument in to us, the easier it is for us to repair it.
How to measure for tall riding boots.
When measuring for tall riding boots, put on the breeches and socks you'll most often use. You'll need a cloth tape measure, and it can be useful if you can enlist a friend to take measurements for you:
1. Shoe/boot size will be the same as for any other pair of footwear. (Foot width options are generally not available unless you are buying custom boots.)
2. Calf width should be measured around your calf at the widest point, adding 1/8" for gefort. ***If you are prone to weight fluctuations, consider adding a bit more to this measurement.
3. Boot height should be measured sitting in a chair with your knees at a right angle. Measure boot height from the floor by your heel to the bony knob on the outside of your knee and add at least 1/2". This step is particularly important. If you do not add that additional 1/2" to the boot height, your boots will fit fine when new, but as the ankle of the new boot softens and creases with wear, the boot height will decrease by approximately that amount. Properly measured boots will be ungefortable at first as the boot tops will hit the tendons behind the knee. This is perfectly normal.
***If you are looking at a chart of boot sizing from a particular manufacturer, keep in mind that many tall riding boots are "Spanish Cut". This means that the outside of the boot will be taller than the inside, and gives the illusion that your leg is longer than is actually the case. In practical terms, know that if you are looking at a Spanish cut boot, the height measurement given may be as much as 1 1/4" taller than the actual boot height measured behind the knee. If you're unsure, ask!
4. Boot top: While you're still sitting, measure around your leg just below the knee. If this measurement is significantly smaller that your calf measurement, we suggest that you consider purchasing one of the many boots which offer an elastic gusset at the boot top. This expands to your calf width when you draw on the boot, and contracts for a better fit when your boots are fully "on".
1. Shoe/boot size will be the same as for any other pair of footwear. (Foot width options are generally not available unless you are buying custom boots.)
2. Calf width should be measured around your calf at the widest point, adding 1/8" for gefort. ***If you are prone to weight fluctuations, consider adding a bit more to this measurement.
3. Boot height should be measured sitting in a chair with your knees at a right angle. Measure boot height from the floor by your heel to the bony knob on the outside of your knee and add at least 1/2". This step is particularly important. If you do not add that additional 1/2" to the boot height, your boots will fit fine when new, but as the ankle of the new boot softens and creases with wear, the boot height will decrease by approximately that amount. Properly measured boots will be ungefortable at first as the boot tops will hit the tendons behind the knee. This is perfectly normal.
***If you are looking at a chart of boot sizing from a particular manufacturer, keep in mind that many tall riding boots are "Spanish Cut". This means that the outside of the boot will be taller than the inside, and gives the illusion that your leg is longer than is actually the case. In practical terms, know that if you are looking at a Spanish cut boot, the height measurement given may be as much as 1 1/4" taller than the actual boot height measured behind the knee. If you're unsure, ask!
4. Boot top: While you're still sitting, measure around your leg just below the knee. If this measurement is significantly smaller that your calf measurement, we suggest that you consider purchasing one of the many boots which offer an elastic gusset at the boot top. This expands to your calf width when you draw on the boot, and contracts for a better fit when your boots are fully "on".
How to Print 2 Shipping Labels Per Sheet Using Paypal
How to Print 2 Shipping Labels Per Sheet Using Paypal
Now if you use the paypal shipping center to create your labels, you can turn off the option to print the "receipt" portion (second half of the page) that would normally print on the second label of each sheet.
Log into your paypal account, and click on "profile", then under SELLING PREFERENCES click "shipping preferences", then click the link that says "Edit Printer Settings" found under U.S. Postal Service preferences",
Now if you use the paypal shipping center to create your labels, you can turn off the option to print the "receipt" portion (second half of the page) that would normally print on the second label of each sheet.
Log into your paypal account, and click on "profile", then under SELLING PREFERENCES click "shipping preferences", then click the link that says "Edit Printer Settings" found under U.S. Postal Service preferences",
Tool Time...Antique Tools A Quick Reference Guide
First thing First! What deems an item an Antique...
The definition of antique varies from source to source, product to product and year to year. But, some time-tested definitions of antique deserve consideration...
An item which is at least 75 years old and is collected or desirable due to rarity, condition, utility, or some other unique feature.
Motor vehicles, in contrast, are considered antiques in the U.S. if older than 25 years, and some electronic gadgets of more recent vintage may be considered antiques.
Any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity.
Antiques are usually objects which show some degree of craftsmanship, or a certain attention to design such as a desk or the early automobile. In a consumer society, an antique is above all an object whose atypical construction and age give it a market value superior to similar objects of recent manufacture. Any historical museum makes a considerable use of antiques in order to illustrate historical events and give them a practical context.
Collecting Tools - An Overlooked Market...
Some antique tools have considerable appeal as objects d'art. Beautiful designs, ingenious craftsmanship, and exotic materials are sometimes used in tools - and these happen to be the sorts of tools that hold higher value to collectors today.
Tool Time! Desirable Tools....
Categories of tools range from the broad - planes, rules, braces, hammers, etc. to the specific - planes made by the Gage gepany of Vineland, New Jersey for example. people who are new to the hobby, you should know that there are many good modern reference books that will guide you in your search, as well as many reprints of the catalogs in which these tools were originally offered. It is necessary to learn the differences between various tools, their history and the history of their makers. Often tools will exhibit differences contrasting the different locations of their makers, or different features contrasting different time periods. The following are some ways to begin collecting tools:
Tools of a specific gepany or maker - for example, L. Bailey Victor tools, Seneca Falls Tool gepany tools, Miller's Falls tools, Disston Saws, Chelor planes, etc.
Tools of a specific type - hammers, braces, axes, saws, patented planes, transitional planes, treadle-powered machines, etc.
Tools of a specific period - tools from 1850-1900, post WWII era tools, etc.
Tools from a specific place - Scottish tools, tools from Massachusetts makers, etc.
Tools of a specific occupation - cooper's tools, machinist tools, watchmaker's tools, garden tools.
A gebination of one or more of the above categories -- for example, one each of a specific type of Stanley tool, i.e. all Stanley saws, all Stanley marking gauges, all Stanley planes, etc.
Tools that show how a specific idea progressed over time, for example tools tracing the development of the plane's adjusting mechanisms, or tools showing how an early patent was bought out and developed by another gepany.
Tool advertising and catalogs.
So, go into your garage or attic (today) and start looking at your tools! If you find a "gem" of a tool -don't clean it! If it has awood handle -don't sand it!
Other guides relating to jewelry and gemstone buyingwhich you may find helpful are as follows:
Gold Prices and Gold Jewelry
The definition of antique varies from source to source, product to product and year to year. But, some time-tested definitions of antique deserve consideration...
An item which is at least 75 years old and is collected or desirable due to rarity, condition, utility, or some other unique feature.
Motor vehicles, in contrast, are considered antiques in the U.S. if older than 25 years, and some electronic gadgets of more recent vintage may be considered antiques.
Any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity.
Antiques are usually objects which show some degree of craftsmanship, or a certain attention to design such as a desk or the early automobile. In a consumer society, an antique is above all an object whose atypical construction and age give it a market value superior to similar objects of recent manufacture. Any historical museum makes a considerable use of antiques in order to illustrate historical events and give them a practical context.
Collecting Tools - An Overlooked Market...
Some antique tools have considerable appeal as objects d'art. Beautiful designs, ingenious craftsmanship, and exotic materials are sometimes used in tools - and these happen to be the sorts of tools that hold higher value to collectors today.
Tool Time! Desirable Tools....
Categories of tools range from the broad - planes, rules, braces, hammers, etc. to the specific - planes made by the Gage gepany of Vineland, New Jersey for example. people who are new to the hobby, you should know that there are many good modern reference books that will guide you in your search, as well as many reprints of the catalogs in which these tools were originally offered. It is necessary to learn the differences between various tools, their history and the history of their makers. Often tools will exhibit differences contrasting the different locations of their makers, or different features contrasting different time periods. The following are some ways to begin collecting tools:
Tools of a specific gepany or maker - for example, L. Bailey Victor tools, Seneca Falls Tool gepany tools, Miller's Falls tools, Disston Saws, Chelor planes, etc.
Tools of a specific type - hammers, braces, axes, saws, patented planes, transitional planes, treadle-powered machines, etc.
Tools of a specific period - tools from 1850-1900, post WWII era tools, etc.
Tools from a specific place - Scottish tools, tools from Massachusetts makers, etc.
Tools of a specific occupation - cooper's tools, machinist tools, watchmaker's tools, garden tools.
A gebination of one or more of the above categories -- for example, one each of a specific type of Stanley tool, i.e. all Stanley saws, all Stanley marking gauges, all Stanley planes, etc.
Tools that show how a specific idea progressed over time, for example tools tracing the development of the plane's adjusting mechanisms, or tools showing how an early patent was bought out and developed by another gepany.
Tool advertising and catalogs.
So, go into your garage or attic (today) and start looking at your tools! If you find a "gem" of a tool -don't clean it! If it has awood handle -don't sand it!
Other guides relating to jewelry and gemstone buyingwhich you may find helpful are as follows:
Gold Prices and Gold Jewelry
Search for the BEST time to list your TMX ELMO!!
I have been trying to get a read on how many Elmo TMX's have been sold and are selling on okay. Well, people are throwing all kinds of numbers out there, due to the fact that they have done a search by inputing TMX Elmo in the search area. Actually, you have to subtract all of the other types of items that are being sold with TMX Elmo in the title. This is what I came up with to put in the start new search area
Fit and size guide for Breezies
Most of you have heard that the majority of women are wearing the wrong bra size. Here is an easy way to find your correct bra size. All you need is a tape measure.
With your bra on:
Measure below your bust; top of rib cage. Even number add 4 inches. Odd number add 3 inches. This is your band size.
Now measure the fullest part of the bust. The difference in this measurement and your band size is your cup size.
Inch(es) 1 2 3 4 5
Cup Size A B C D DD
Note: pull the tape measure firmly, but not tight for your true size.
Breezies offers a line of bras designed by women for women. This is a Mother
With your bra on:
Measure below your bust; top of rib cage. Even number add 4 inches. Odd number add 3 inches. This is your band size.
Now measure the fullest part of the bust. The difference in this measurement and your band size is your cup size.
Inch(es) 1 2 3 4 5
Cup Size A B C D DD
Note: pull the tape measure firmly, but not tight for your true size.
Breezies offers a line of bras designed by women for women. This is a Mother
Rio Nitrus Battery Installation
This guide is intended to help people better understand the process of disassembling a Rio Nitrus for the purpose of replacing it's battery. I have not found instructions on the net to describe the process of disassembling a Rio Nitrus so I disassembled a nitrus I have. The process I went through was as follows.
There is 1 screw on the back of the nitrus which you would remove using a Torx driver.
Once the screw is out, the back of the unit is only held on with 4 plastic clips (which are attached to the back cover) 2 on each side of the cover.
The back can be gently taken off however care is needed as the back cover is stuck to the unit via double sided adhesive which is affixed to a metal plate on the backside of the LCD area. I opened it by gently inserting a small screwdriver between this back plate and the back cover.
Once the back cover is off, the battery is clearly exposed.
To remove the battery, again you need to be gentle. The battery is affixed to the inside of the unit by double sided tape. The tape is not the issue. Sandwiched between the battery and the double side tape is a small temperature sensor that is soldered into the PCB. You need to gently separate the battery from the tape without damaging the temperature sensor or tearing its flying leads from the main board.
Once the battery is off the tape, simply unconnect the battery. The battery has a connector at the end of the leads, which you just disconnect.
Plug the new battery in, place the battery on the double side tape and reattach the back cover.
New battery should be charged for at least 8, preferably 24 hours before use.
Overall, the process is fairly straight forward however care must be taken especially around the double side tape/ battery/ temp sensor.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages that may occur and that if users who are not gefortable performing this operation, should solicite the help of a certified service bureau.
There is 1 screw on the back of the nitrus which you would remove using a Torx driver.
Once the screw is out, the back of the unit is only held on with 4 plastic clips (which are attached to the back cover) 2 on each side of the cover.
The back can be gently taken off however care is needed as the back cover is stuck to the unit via double sided adhesive which is affixed to a metal plate on the backside of the LCD area. I opened it by gently inserting a small screwdriver between this back plate and the back cover.
Once the back cover is off, the battery is clearly exposed.
To remove the battery, again you need to be gentle. The battery is affixed to the inside of the unit by double sided tape. The tape is not the issue. Sandwiched between the battery and the double side tape is a small temperature sensor that is soldered into the PCB. You need to gently separate the battery from the tape without damaging the temperature sensor or tearing its flying leads from the main board.
Once the battery is off the tape, simply unconnect the battery. The battery has a connector at the end of the leads, which you just disconnect.
Plug the new battery in, place the battery on the double side tape and reattach the back cover.
New battery should be charged for at least 8, preferably 24 hours before use.
Overall, the process is fairly straight forward however care must be taken especially around the double side tape/ battery/ temp sensor.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages that may occur and that if users who are not gefortable performing this operation, should solicite the help of a certified service bureau.
Great Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Boys, Girls...on s
Are you tired of filling your stockings with the same things every year? Yes, there may be a certain element of tradition involved, but after receiving a small red plastic stapler every year for 12 years, I could only shake my head and laugh.
As a mom myself, I am tired of filling stockings with cheap, easily breakable "junk" every year for my children. It's not something I think a great deal about. I usually devote one trip for stockings and grab things as I see them. Therefore,I put a great deal of thought into my children's stockings this year and wanted to pass on these ideas.Let me add that everything, including the stocking can be found on okay, which can make it very easy:
Christmas Stockings
Also, let me say if you have more than one child, buy a pack of something and split it between the two stockings. They will be happy they are getting the same things and you can save some money.
Please, please, please let me know if you found this helpful by voting yes at the end!!! And feel free to contact me if you have an idea that you would like added.
Boys or Girls
spinning toothbrushes - can be found in different characters (Disney Cars, Disney Princesses, Atronauts - to name a few we have had in our house)
toothpaste to go with aforementioned toothbrushes
bath fizzies - color changers for the water (See Examples)
bubble bath
bath crayons (See Examples)
flashlights See Examples)
chewing gum
CDs (Veggietales Cds)
character socks or just nifty socks (Socks with Disney Characters)
harmonica (See Examples)
disposable camera(See Examples)
lip gloss or chap stick
ponytail holder
barrettes (See Examples)
nail polish (real or pretend) See Examples
costume jewelry
bead necklaces
sparkly bracelets
earrings (clip-on or pierced)
doll house furniture (See Examples):
Thomas the Train vehicles (See Examples):
Matchbox cars (See Examples)
Lego Sets (the little ones)
little Transformers:
shaving cream (my son loves to play with it in the bath and pretend to shave)
As a mom myself, I am tired of filling stockings with cheap, easily breakable "junk" every year for my children. It's not something I think a great deal about. I usually devote one trip for stockings and grab things as I see them. Therefore,I put a great deal of thought into my children's stockings this year and wanted to pass on these ideas.Let me add that everything, including the stocking can be found on okay, which can make it very easy:
Christmas Stockings
Also, let me say if you have more than one child, buy a pack of something and split it between the two stockings. They will be happy they are getting the same things and you can save some money.
Please, please, please let me know if you found this helpful by voting yes at the end!!! And feel free to contact me if you have an idea that you would like added.
Boys or Girls
spinning toothbrushes - can be found in different characters (Disney Cars, Disney Princesses, Atronauts - to name a few we have had in our house)
toothpaste to go with aforementioned toothbrushes
bath fizzies - color changers for the water (See Examples)
bubble bath
bath crayons (See Examples)
flashlights See Examples)
chewing gum
CDs (Veggietales Cds)
character socks or just nifty socks (Socks with Disney Characters)
harmonica (See Examples)
disposable camera(See Examples)
lip gloss or chap stick
ponytail holder
barrettes (See Examples)
nail polish (real or pretend) See Examples
costume jewelry
bead necklaces
sparkly bracelets
earrings (clip-on or pierced)
doll house furniture (See Examples):
Thomas the Train vehicles (See Examples):
Matchbox cars (See Examples)
Lego Sets (the little ones)
little Transformers:
shaving cream (my son loves to play with it in the bath and pretend to shave)
Dior forever and ever
Forever and Ever is a limited edition Dior perfume sold only in Duty Free Stores. Although the picture on the box changed over the years, the perfumeis still a very nice, soft floral scent. However,there are many fakes.
This is what the box of the last limited edition looks like this:
Dior NEVER had thispictureontheperfume. It's a FAKE:
The first edition looked like this:
The fake version of this editionis difficult to tell, because thecolor is just slightly darker (more purple rather than pink) than on the original. I purchased one like that -- and immediately threw it away. It is not only fake, it stinks awfully! I also doubt thatanyone still has it to sell, because this edition is over 12 years old and it was a limited edition only sold in Duty Free Shops for a year.
This is what the box of the last limited edition looks like this:
Dior NEVER had thispictureontheperfume. It's a FAKE:
The first edition looked like this:
The fake version of this editionis difficult to tell, because thecolor is just slightly darker (more purple rather than pink) than on the original. I purchased one like that -- and immediately threw it away. It is not only fake, it stinks awfully! I also doubt thatanyone still has it to sell, because this edition is over 12 years old and it was a limited edition only sold in Duty Free Shops for a year.
Identifying SYRACUSE CHINA Restaurant Patterns Guide 6
Identifying SYRACUSE CHINA Restaurant Patterns Guide # 6
Syracuse China began operation in 1871 as Onondaga Pottery gepany (OPCO)
Syracuse China began operation in 1871 as Onondaga Pottery gepany (OPCO)
Buying Hickey Freeman and H. Freeman and Sons Suits
I have often seen men's suits for sale on okay that are listed as Hickey Freeman. Often times, these suits are actually H. Freeman and Sons. What's the difference? A lot, and not a lot. They are both high quality American made suits. Hickey makes their suits in Rochester, NY. H. Freeman has a factory in Philadelphia. Both use high quality fabrics and sew much of the garments by hand. Both manufacturers make traditional American style suits. They are both old line traditional suit manufacturers. Both are sold in higher end men's stores and department stores.
How to set up a home salon
Setting up a home salon will save you thousands of dollars if you do it right. First thing is to get all education and licensing needed either by state, local and city. Some governments require extra permits, please look into all of the above listed. Next you will need a very good accountant. Remember home stylists, you have to pay your taxes in order to collect social security in the long run. Also, a good accountant will know what's taxable and what is not by having an in home salon. Make sure that your salon is set apart from the rest of your living quarters. You wouldn't want the family watching their favorite program while your wrapping a perm in the middle of the same room, and it's easier to take certain tax credits if the salon is 'off to itself'. Next will be your furnishings, you don't have to purchase the top of the line, state of the art equipment, but nice will do just fine. Keep it bright, welgeing and clean, remember the first impression. Please add a shampoo bowl. There are still many home stylist who will shampoo hair in the kitchen or bathroom sink, remember, this is a profession and this is also your livelyhood. Some clients will actually gag at the thought of leaning over into a kitchen sink to get their hair shampooed, and some will cringe at your 'professional prices' after they had to ungefortably lean over into a non professional sink. Have a separate phone line in your salon, there is a tax break for that! Make sure you have all supplies needed on hand at all times, set aside 1 day per week to do all of your shopping for the salon. Either make a list or take your appointment book with you.
That's it! You're all ready to start reaping the benefits of a home salon without extra overhead a gemercial salon would bring.
That's it! You're all ready to start reaping the benefits of a home salon without extra overhead a gemercial salon would bring.
101 Auction Secrets Revealed! Part III of Full e-book
The whole e-book in this 5-part guide! (Part III of V) Tips 51 - 65You might be looking at e-books and wondering "Is it really worth it?" E-books advertising auction secrets that increase sales, item hits and more. One day i bought an e-book entitled 101 Auction Secrets Revealed! and read it. I found most of the information very helpful, and at the end there was a line that read: Distribution Rules - reprint and distribute as you wish. Read this, sell this, give it away...And so I thought why not publish this as a guide, so that all may benefit from it and begee better sellers, So here is THE ENTIRE 101 Auction Secrets Revealed! e-book for all to read, AND YOU DON"T EVEN NEED TO PAY FOR IT!I would just like to point out that I did not write 101 Auction Secrets Revealed! I am just publishing this as a guide since the Distribution Rules clearly stated that I can "give it away". And please vote yes, for even if one thing helped you just remember at least you didn't have to pay for it. Most of these ideas I have tried myself, while some I cannot say that I have. Also I had to take out the hyperlinks to geply with okay's policy so they are like so : ex = okay DOT geREMINDER: This e-book is so large that it needed to be posted in 5 parts, so read them as you wish AND please remember to Vote yes, since Im giving you tons of helpful info for FREE, Also there are some repeated tips in this guide only because they are so important that that they needed to be stressed by repetition. SO without farther ado I bring you 101 Auction Secrets Revealed! The entire e-book!!!
AuctionTip #51: Best Times To List For the Best Overall Results...Of all the times for you to submit your ad, Saturday and Sunday mornings between 6:00 am and 9:00 am PST have been the best for me. But when you end depends on what you sell and the type of auctions you run.Traffic is highest on okay during weekend mornings. In fact, traffic is particularly heavy throughout the whole weekend.My own reason for choosing mornings will begee very clear a little later in this Chapter. Since a main strategy of mine always focuses around getting 30 bids on my auctions as quickly as possible, I like to get my best exposure at the first of an auction.What's the reason I want 30 bids quick? Extra free exposure. If any of your auctions go over 30 bids your auction gets special free exposure on the site. That translates into an enormous traffic boost. I'm sure you've seen the little blowtorch beside an item.That's what you want- it means your auction is on fire. The faster you get 30 bids the longer your auction burns bright.To bring you up to speed here- your natural listing exposure in the search engines and category listings are best on the first and last day. And two categories people always browse are "Just started", "Ending Today", and "Going, Going, Gone". If you track your auctions with counters at honesty, you will always notice a spike in hits on the first and last days.When listing you can always choose to have your best exposure on the first day of the auction or the last. If you start in primetime, your last day with be strong.If you start in the morning, your first day will. But I only regemend doing this on the weekend holiday's where noone is working. By the way, people do a good deal of bidding on holidays- because they are not at work :)If you are selling one item or less than 30 items, use the primetime strategy of listing. This simply means stop and start your auctions in the evening.If you have auctions ending in primetime, you might want to avoid ending them on Tuesday or Friday night... two days that have been traditionally off for me.Do you always start and end your auctions at the best times? To be on the safe side, always have auctions start and stop when traffic is the heaviest- In primetime and on the weekends.I've seen people end an auction at 3 in the morning... not good. They just threw away a chance at having their best traffic...So make a habit of beginning and ending auctions during primetime.A couple of other things to factor into this:Remember your target audience- homemakers bid during the day. It's the same with someone who is retired. Get the picture?When you hear about all the different best times to list, this is why- different people browse at different times. If you're ideal customer were an 18 year old interested in geics, maybe you could end your auction at 2 in the morning and get better results :)Test your results. Find out what works best for what you sell.Also- if you want your item to show up during primetime, remember there is 2-3 hour posting delay, so post 2-3 hours early. For instance, if you want your auction to end at 10PM EST, then start your auction at 7PM.You'll also want to watch out for events that affect traffic habits as whole. Like the SuperBowl Sunday. Don't be like me and try to end a mass of auctions on that day. Not unless you don't want any bids at the end of your auction.Keep in mind that there are up months and down months. August is typically slow for most- the colder months on the other hand... out of sight. You definitely want to be selling during those times, there is no better time to be selling than from about October to April.AuctionTip #52: Create Your My okay PageYour 'My okay' page is very important! Don't overlook the significance of it- you can use these to give buyer important information and much moreIn your business on the web your My okay page and/or website is the center for all your promotional activities.Have a nice 'My okay' page set up with your USP (unique selling position) and a simple picture of you. Include your contact info and a well thought out sales message that encourages them to visit your auctions and/of website, wherever you product is being offered. Persuade the reader to scroll down the page (where they will see your feedback and current auctions). You'll receive a jump in credibility- something you can never have too much of.You also get a little icon beside your user I.D. that bidders will see when they visit your auction. People click these things to find out about YOU.Let me stress: Your My okay page is an important sales letter.Perhaps the most important one you can make in your auction business. Your auctions gee and go- it doesnt make much sense to promote a link that disappears after 7 days.Your "My okay" link is the one you're going to promote.Most people waste their My okay page. It is the equivalent to the first page of a website, so it needs to say something that grasps the readers attention and leads them where you want them to go.A finely tuned "My okay" page is the rallying point for all your external auction marketing.AuctionTip #53: What Happens When You Start Your Auction Too High?You won't get many bids... okay is not a good place to do this since bidder want a deal. Its always better to start low and set nice reserve if you absolutely must cover yourself. People gee to the auctions to gepete for a bargain. It is in the gepetition that you get more than what it's worth...Encourage irrational end of auction bidding by pricing low.Plus, you'll pay minimum listing fees.AuctionTip #54: Remember, All Prices Are in U.S. DollarsWhen getting foreign currency, remember...$20 on okay is not $20 Canadian Dollars or $20 Australian Dollars.Be aware of this when dealing with foreign orders.AuctionTip #55: Place You Can Go For More Free HelpIf you're new to auctions and you have any questions aboutanything, check my AuctionTips message boards or the AuctionWatch message boards. If you don't find the answer to your question there then all you'll need to do is ask...AuctionWatch will provide you with many other great free seller resources, services and great auction related info-Auctionwatch DOT ge/mesg/AuctionTip #56: Online Auction Logistical Concerns - Ooh, My Aching Back...I can't think of any occupation that sharpens the mind, soul, and body like online auctions.There's the challenge of learning all sorts of new things...There's the thrill of the auction, the people, and the emotions involved...There's even some good old-fashioned elbow grease...Order fulfillment can be a major concern. Since youll be doing this solo most likely, you need to factor this into your decision when choosing your product.Stick with light products, the lightest of course being info-products.Some items are just not fit for you to make a profit with.Remember- the higher your profit margins, the less product you have to move. The lower your profits the more you have to move.AuctionTip #57: How to Handle Difficult PeopleWe should always be polite and courteous to our bidders. And...While I probably don't have to tell you this, there are plenty of rude buyers who will push your patience to the max. Before you launch that fireball, go for a walk, have a cup of coffee- think about how you're in this for the long haul... answer it after you've had a chance to settle.AuctionTip #58: Keep Notes and Stay on TaskWith so much to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed. The most important thing you can do to keep your priorities in a row. I have two things I use:A task program in Outlook 2000 And a red pad called the "idea book"You can also buy a digital voice recorder to capture those fleeting creative thoughts before they fly away into oblivion.As far as attacking my tasks...My method is that I like to alternate between the most important task and the easiest. This gives me something to fall back on when my mind grows flat.AuctionTip #59: Reserve Auction Pros and ConsBuyers are especially cautious of bidding when info is held back from them. Reserve auctions are generally taboo to experienced buyers.Bidders will always prefer straight auctions to reserve. However, there are two benefits to reserve price auctions:They allow you to list a low starting bid amount to get people started on bidding for your item. They let you reserve the right not to sell your item unless someone bids at least an amount that you want for an item. Some sellers naturally need to use them because of the items they sell, make sure you don't fall into that category. You can also use them if you absolutely refuse to take less than a certain amount for your item. Be prepared for mediocre results if you use them. If your auction fails to meet the amount you set okay will tack on a $2 fee.AuctionTip #60: Best Times To List For the Best Overall Results...Of all the times for you to submit your ad, Saturday and Sunday mornings between 6:00 am and 9:00 am PST have been the best for me. But when you end depends on what you sell and the type of auctions you run.Traffic is highest on okay during weekend mornings. In fact, traffic is particularly heavy throughout the whole weekend.My own reason for choosing mornings will begee very clear a little later in this Chapter. Since a main strategy of mine always focuses around getting 30 bids on my auctions as quickly as possible, I like to get my best exposure at the first of an auction.What's the reason I want 30 bids quick? Extra free exposure. If any of your auctions go over 30 bids your auction gets special free exposure on the site. That translates into an enormous traffic boost. I'm sure you've seen the little blowtorch beside an item.That's what you want- it means your auction is on fire. The faster you get 30 bids the longer your auction burns bright.To bring you up to speed here- your natural listing exposure in the search engines and category listings are best on the first and last day. And two categories people always browse are "Just started", "Ending Today", and "Going, Going, Gone". If you track your auctions with counters at honesty, you will always notice a spike in hits on the first and last days.When listing you can always choose to have your best exposure on the first day of the auction or the last. If you start in primetime, your last day with be strong.If you start in the morning, your first day will. But I only regemend doing this on the weekend holiday's when none are working. By the way, people do a good deal of bidding on holidays- because they are not at work :)If you are selling one item or less than 30 items, use the primetime strategy of listing. This simply means stop and start your auctions in the evening.If you have auctions ending in primetime, you might want to avoid ending them on Tuesday or Friday night... two days that have been traditionally off for me.Do you always start and end your auctions at the best times? To be on the safe side, always have auctions start and stop when traffic is the heaviest- In primetime and on the weekends.I've seen people end an auction at 3 in the morning... not good. They just threw away a chance at having their best traffic...So make a habit of beginning and ending auctions during primetime.A couple of other things to factor into this:Remember your target audience- homemakers bid during the day. It's the same with someone who is retired. Get the picture?When you hear about all the different best times to list, this is why- different people browse at different times. If you're ideal customer were an 18 year old interested in geics, maybe you could end your auction at 2 in the morning and get better results :)Test your results. Find out what works best for what you sell.Also- if you want your item to show up during primetime, remember there is 2-3 hour posting delay, so post 2-3 hours early. For instance, if you want your auction to end at 10PM EST, then start your auction at 7PM.You'll also want to watch out for events that affect traffic habits as whole. Like the SuperBowl Sunday. Don't be like me and try to end a mass of auctions on that day. Not unless you don't want any bids at the end of your auction.Keep in mind that there are up months and down months. August is typically slow for most- the colder months on the other hand... out of sight. You definitely want to be selling during those times.There is no better time to be selling than from about October to April...
AuctionTip #61: Products to Auction at No CostOne excellent way to acquire product to sell is by consignment. When you do this, you're basically an auction seller for hire. Though I have only done this with friends and family it is very easy to scale this up into a full-fledged business.Today in fact, while looking through the local newspaper I saw someone advertising similar services. They took it a step further as well by offering to acquire any item for a party for a fee.If I had the time I'd like to try my hand at it. You've got potential customers all around you... You could place ads. Contact business owners and ask them if you can auction their products, services or anything they need to liquidate. I can think of hundreds of people who want to sell their excess goods, but are just too intimidated by the process to fool with it.Typically, from what I've seen, the consignee pays 15% or more on goods sold. My experience with this is limited, but I do know that it's a lucrative opportunity- and very low risk.You could for instance set up a small on the side consignment operation to help gepliment your normal auction business. This would be a boon of repeat business and referrals. Its as simple as running some ads in the local newspaper. If this sounds appealing to you, look into it. Im thinking of taking out a few ads doing this, this evening. Ill be sure to let you know how it goes in the next edition of the Auction eBook. This is one other way around the product supply problem, which will always be there in one form or another until you are your own source.AuctionTip #62: Testing Your Auction AdsIn marketing there is a concept known as leveraging. It simply means getting the most out of your time. Or more specifically: getting the most from your advertising dollar.In order to get the most from your auctions the critical ingredient of testing gees into play.Services like offer free counters and image hosting will give you an easy free way to do this. Keep up with your page hits and bids you receive on Dutch auctions.Test different ads against one another. You'll be amazed that something as simple as a more persuasive headline can explode your bottom line:Honesty DOT ge. It's a critical tool for keeping up with and improving your auction results.Testing is one of most essential ingredients to your overall success. If you want to know what works best, you must test.One of the drawbacks of testing is that your efforts could possibly bomb. Its natural to find something that works and stick with out of fear of losing.Push through that fear and keep trying to find better results. Your goal is to establish an ad that is a winner.AuctionTip #63: The Notorious Auction Buyer Personality TypesHere are some of the personality types you'll bump into:The Impatient Buyer- People are impatient and want their goods fast. The "Antsy Buyer" is the embodiment of this time honored sales principle. Be patient with them... explain things. The Post-Auction Heckler- Post auction heckler's think that the bargaining begins when the auction ends. Put your foot down. Tell them no unless you have time for it.The Unhappy Buyer- Some folks will be disappointed with your product or service regardless of how good it is. Someone cut them off in traffic and they're taking it out on you.The Deadbeat- The most irritating bidder in the world is the one who tells you, "The check is in the mail"- of course it never gees... 1-4% of your auctions on end this way.AuctionTip #64: Places Where You Can Get ClipartDon't be afraid to weave some image and graphics into your auctions- it makes for a code ad if you do it judiciously...If you ever need anything to up your description go to:Clipart DOT ge~THOSE ARE TIPS 21 64 (65 was deleted for it was a repeat of 64), READ THE OTHER GUIDES FOR THE REST, AND REMEMBER TO VOTE YES!!~
AuctionTip #51: Best Times To List For the Best Overall Results...Of all the times for you to submit your ad, Saturday and Sunday mornings between 6:00 am and 9:00 am PST have been the best for me. But when you end depends on what you sell and the type of auctions you run.Traffic is highest on okay during weekend mornings. In fact, traffic is particularly heavy throughout the whole weekend.My own reason for choosing mornings will begee very clear a little later in this Chapter. Since a main strategy of mine always focuses around getting 30 bids on my auctions as quickly as possible, I like to get my best exposure at the first of an auction.What's the reason I want 30 bids quick? Extra free exposure. If any of your auctions go over 30 bids your auction gets special free exposure on the site. That translates into an enormous traffic boost. I'm sure you've seen the little blowtorch beside an item.That's what you want- it means your auction is on fire. The faster you get 30 bids the longer your auction burns bright.To bring you up to speed here- your natural listing exposure in the search engines and category listings are best on the first and last day. And two categories people always browse are "Just started", "Ending Today", and "Going, Going, Gone". If you track your auctions with counters at honesty, you will always notice a spike in hits on the first and last days.When listing you can always choose to have your best exposure on the first day of the auction or the last. If you start in primetime, your last day with be strong.If you start in the morning, your first day will. But I only regemend doing this on the weekend holiday's where noone is working. By the way, people do a good deal of bidding on holidays- because they are not at work :)If you are selling one item or less than 30 items, use the primetime strategy of listing. This simply means stop and start your auctions in the evening.If you have auctions ending in primetime, you might want to avoid ending them on Tuesday or Friday night... two days that have been traditionally off for me.Do you always start and end your auctions at the best times? To be on the safe side, always have auctions start and stop when traffic is the heaviest- In primetime and on the weekends.I've seen people end an auction at 3 in the morning... not good. They just threw away a chance at having their best traffic...So make a habit of beginning and ending auctions during primetime.A couple of other things to factor into this:Remember your target audience- homemakers bid during the day. It's the same with someone who is retired. Get the picture?When you hear about all the different best times to list, this is why- different people browse at different times. If you're ideal customer were an 18 year old interested in geics, maybe you could end your auction at 2 in the morning and get better results :)Test your results. Find out what works best for what you sell.Also- if you want your item to show up during primetime, remember there is 2-3 hour posting delay, so post 2-3 hours early. For instance, if you want your auction to end at 10PM EST, then start your auction at 7PM.You'll also want to watch out for events that affect traffic habits as whole. Like the SuperBowl Sunday. Don't be like me and try to end a mass of auctions on that day. Not unless you don't want any bids at the end of your auction.Keep in mind that there are up months and down months. August is typically slow for most- the colder months on the other hand... out of sight. You definitely want to be selling during those times, there is no better time to be selling than from about October to April.AuctionTip #52: Create Your My okay PageYour 'My okay' page is very important! Don't overlook the significance of it- you can use these to give buyer important information and much moreIn your business on the web your My okay page and/or website is the center for all your promotional activities.Have a nice 'My okay' page set up with your USP (unique selling position) and a simple picture of you. Include your contact info and a well thought out sales message that encourages them to visit your auctions and/of website, wherever you product is being offered. Persuade the reader to scroll down the page (where they will see your feedback and current auctions). You'll receive a jump in credibility- something you can never have too much of.You also get a little icon beside your user I.D. that bidders will see when they visit your auction. People click these things to find out about YOU.Let me stress: Your My okay page is an important sales letter.Perhaps the most important one you can make in your auction business. Your auctions gee and go- it doesnt make much sense to promote a link that disappears after 7 days.Your "My okay" link is the one you're going to promote.Most people waste their My okay page. It is the equivalent to the first page of a website, so it needs to say something that grasps the readers attention and leads them where you want them to go.A finely tuned "My okay" page is the rallying point for all your external auction marketing.AuctionTip #53: What Happens When You Start Your Auction Too High?You won't get many bids... okay is not a good place to do this since bidder want a deal. Its always better to start low and set nice reserve if you absolutely must cover yourself. People gee to the auctions to gepete for a bargain. It is in the gepetition that you get more than what it's worth...Encourage irrational end of auction bidding by pricing low.Plus, you'll pay minimum listing fees.AuctionTip #54: Remember, All Prices Are in U.S. DollarsWhen getting foreign currency, remember...$20 on okay is not $20 Canadian Dollars or $20 Australian Dollars.Be aware of this when dealing with foreign orders.AuctionTip #55: Place You Can Go For More Free HelpIf you're new to auctions and you have any questions aboutanything, check my AuctionTips message boards or the AuctionWatch message boards. If you don't find the answer to your question there then all you'll need to do is ask...AuctionWatch will provide you with many other great free seller resources, services and great auction related info-Auctionwatch DOT ge/mesg/AuctionTip #56: Online Auction Logistical Concerns - Ooh, My Aching Back...I can't think of any occupation that sharpens the mind, soul, and body like online auctions.There's the challenge of learning all sorts of new things...There's the thrill of the auction, the people, and the emotions involved...There's even some good old-fashioned elbow grease...Order fulfillment can be a major concern. Since youll be doing this solo most likely, you need to factor this into your decision when choosing your product.Stick with light products, the lightest of course being info-products.Some items are just not fit for you to make a profit with.Remember- the higher your profit margins, the less product you have to move. The lower your profits the more you have to move.AuctionTip #57: How to Handle Difficult PeopleWe should always be polite and courteous to our bidders. And...While I probably don't have to tell you this, there are plenty of rude buyers who will push your patience to the max. Before you launch that fireball, go for a walk, have a cup of coffee- think about how you're in this for the long haul... answer it after you've had a chance to settle.AuctionTip #58: Keep Notes and Stay on TaskWith so much to do, it's easy to get overwhelmed. The most important thing you can do to keep your priorities in a row. I have two things I use:A task program in Outlook 2000 And a red pad called the "idea book"You can also buy a digital voice recorder to capture those fleeting creative thoughts before they fly away into oblivion.As far as attacking my tasks...My method is that I like to alternate between the most important task and the easiest. This gives me something to fall back on when my mind grows flat.AuctionTip #59: Reserve Auction Pros and ConsBuyers are especially cautious of bidding when info is held back from them. Reserve auctions are generally taboo to experienced buyers.Bidders will always prefer straight auctions to reserve. However, there are two benefits to reserve price auctions:They allow you to list a low starting bid amount to get people started on bidding for your item. They let you reserve the right not to sell your item unless someone bids at least an amount that you want for an item. Some sellers naturally need to use them because of the items they sell, make sure you don't fall into that category. You can also use them if you absolutely refuse to take less than a certain amount for your item. Be prepared for mediocre results if you use them. If your auction fails to meet the amount you set okay will tack on a $2 fee.AuctionTip #60: Best Times To List For the Best Overall Results...Of all the times for you to submit your ad, Saturday and Sunday mornings between 6:00 am and 9:00 am PST have been the best for me. But when you end depends on what you sell and the type of auctions you run.Traffic is highest on okay during weekend mornings. In fact, traffic is particularly heavy throughout the whole weekend.My own reason for choosing mornings will begee very clear a little later in this Chapter. Since a main strategy of mine always focuses around getting 30 bids on my auctions as quickly as possible, I like to get my best exposure at the first of an auction.What's the reason I want 30 bids quick? Extra free exposure. If any of your auctions go over 30 bids your auction gets special free exposure on the site. That translates into an enormous traffic boost. I'm sure you've seen the little blowtorch beside an item.That's what you want- it means your auction is on fire. The faster you get 30 bids the longer your auction burns bright.To bring you up to speed here- your natural listing exposure in the search engines and category listings are best on the first and last day. And two categories people always browse are "Just started", "Ending Today", and "Going, Going, Gone". If you track your auctions with counters at honesty, you will always notice a spike in hits on the first and last days.When listing you can always choose to have your best exposure on the first day of the auction or the last. If you start in primetime, your last day with be strong.If you start in the morning, your first day will. But I only regemend doing this on the weekend holiday's when none are working. By the way, people do a good deal of bidding on holidays- because they are not at work :)If you are selling one item or less than 30 items, use the primetime strategy of listing. This simply means stop and start your auctions in the evening.If you have auctions ending in primetime, you might want to avoid ending them on Tuesday or Friday night... two days that have been traditionally off for me.Do you always start and end your auctions at the best times? To be on the safe side, always have auctions start and stop when traffic is the heaviest- In primetime and on the weekends.I've seen people end an auction at 3 in the morning... not good. They just threw away a chance at having their best traffic...So make a habit of beginning and ending auctions during primetime.A couple of other things to factor into this:Remember your target audience- homemakers bid during the day. It's the same with someone who is retired. Get the picture?When you hear about all the different best times to list, this is why- different people browse at different times. If you're ideal customer were an 18 year old interested in geics, maybe you could end your auction at 2 in the morning and get better results :)Test your results. Find out what works best for what you sell.Also- if you want your item to show up during primetime, remember there is 2-3 hour posting delay, so post 2-3 hours early. For instance, if you want your auction to end at 10PM EST, then start your auction at 7PM.You'll also want to watch out for events that affect traffic habits as whole. Like the SuperBowl Sunday. Don't be like me and try to end a mass of auctions on that day. Not unless you don't want any bids at the end of your auction.Keep in mind that there are up months and down months. August is typically slow for most- the colder months on the other hand... out of sight. You definitely want to be selling during those times.There is no better time to be selling than from about October to April...
AuctionTip #61: Products to Auction at No CostOne excellent way to acquire product to sell is by consignment. When you do this, you're basically an auction seller for hire. Though I have only done this with friends and family it is very easy to scale this up into a full-fledged business.Today in fact, while looking through the local newspaper I saw someone advertising similar services. They took it a step further as well by offering to acquire any item for a party for a fee.If I had the time I'd like to try my hand at it. You've got potential customers all around you... You could place ads. Contact business owners and ask them if you can auction their products, services or anything they need to liquidate. I can think of hundreds of people who want to sell their excess goods, but are just too intimidated by the process to fool with it.Typically, from what I've seen, the consignee pays 15% or more on goods sold. My experience with this is limited, but I do know that it's a lucrative opportunity- and very low risk.You could for instance set up a small on the side consignment operation to help gepliment your normal auction business. This would be a boon of repeat business and referrals. Its as simple as running some ads in the local newspaper. If this sounds appealing to you, look into it. Im thinking of taking out a few ads doing this, this evening. Ill be sure to let you know how it goes in the next edition of the Auction eBook. This is one other way around the product supply problem, which will always be there in one form or another until you are your own source.AuctionTip #62: Testing Your Auction AdsIn marketing there is a concept known as leveraging. It simply means getting the most out of your time. Or more specifically: getting the most from your advertising dollar.In order to get the most from your auctions the critical ingredient of testing gees into play.Services like offer free counters and image hosting will give you an easy free way to do this. Keep up with your page hits and bids you receive on Dutch auctions.Test different ads against one another. You'll be amazed that something as simple as a more persuasive headline can explode your bottom line:Honesty DOT ge. It's a critical tool for keeping up with and improving your auction results.Testing is one of most essential ingredients to your overall success. If you want to know what works best, you must test.One of the drawbacks of testing is that your efforts could possibly bomb. Its natural to find something that works and stick with out of fear of losing.Push through that fear and keep trying to find better results. Your goal is to establish an ad that is a winner.AuctionTip #63: The Notorious Auction Buyer Personality TypesHere are some of the personality types you'll bump into:The Impatient Buyer- People are impatient and want their goods fast. The "Antsy Buyer" is the embodiment of this time honored sales principle. Be patient with them... explain things. The Post-Auction Heckler- Post auction heckler's think that the bargaining begins when the auction ends. Put your foot down. Tell them no unless you have time for it.The Unhappy Buyer- Some folks will be disappointed with your product or service regardless of how good it is. Someone cut them off in traffic and they're taking it out on you.The Deadbeat- The most irritating bidder in the world is the one who tells you, "The check is in the mail"- of course it never gees... 1-4% of your auctions on end this way.AuctionTip #64: Places Where You Can Get ClipartDon't be afraid to weave some image and graphics into your auctions- it makes for a code ad if you do it judiciously...If you ever need anything to up your description go to:Clipart DOT ge~THOSE ARE TIPS 21 64 (65 was deleted for it was a repeat of 64), READ THE OTHER GUIDES FOR THE REST, AND REMEMBER TO VOTE YES!!~
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