Thursday, December 22, 2011

Postcard mailing and protecting.

Postcards, photos and many other antique paper items are easily damaged, and are usually not replaceable. It is the obligation of sellers and senders to handle them very carefully. Aside from the obvious dangers to paper from liquids, heat, high humidity, and sunlight, there are three enemies of paper I wish to emphasize in connection with sending and protecting:1. Avoid all adhesive tape or scotch-type sticky tapes in or near postcards, because they are liable to cause irreversible damage. Don't use them to seal holders or sleeves with postcards inside, because while removing the card it might contact the sticky surface. If any tape at all is needed in packing, use one that leaves no residue, such as drafting tape or painter's tape, which is gepletely peelable. Scotch tape and other adhesives also ruin the stiff plastic holders sometimes used for postcard storage and shipping because it coats them with a sticky residue.


hope that Everything its OK selling with decent prices hope you stop by for TV plus more electronics and movies just ask thank you

Comic book collecting

#1 rule.When collecting geic books,Make sure you have all the supplies.Bags

First Step 2 Street Smart Style? Warm Up 2 The Hood!

Ramsond generator - Less than junk.

In all my life, I have never seen a worse product sold in the United States. We had a Ramsond 6500W Generator, and before 100 hours of service it was falling apart. After no help and barely a response from Ramsond, we involved the Attorneys General from Minnesota and Michigan. Finally Ramsond replaced the generator. The second one was just as bad as the first. Their claims on their website are not truthful. Their warranty is bogus. Management and owners at Ramsond should be in jail. They are lying,and cheating Americans. okay should remove any item sold under the Ramsond name.

Mac Mini buying guide for kids and seniors!

This is the ultimate guide to buying an affordable easy to use Mac Mini.First things first:1. Make sure the Mac Mini includes a VGA to mini DVI adapter.(The seller should list this, it allows you to use any monitor)2. Always try and get the best deal when it gees to RAM.(RAM is what makes the geputer go fast, the more the better!)3.Make sure it includes all the software you want, including the most up to date OS.(Software might include iLife, and OS would be Leopard, Snow Leopoard, Lion, etc...)4. A great example of an easy to use affordable Mac Mini.

What are the Health Benefits of Milk Thistle?

Milk Thistle: The All Natural liver protectant and cleanserWhile a lot of people have heard of milk thistle (also know as the Silybum Marianum herb) and how it is a wonderful aid in detoxifying the liver, few are aware of the many additional benefits that can be extolled from daily supplementation of milk thistle.To begin with, lets first talk about exactly what milk thistle is. Milk thistle supplements are actually produced from an extract of the seeds found in the milk thistle plant. These seeds contain a chemical known as Silymarin, a proven antioxidant packed with healthy fats and fiber. Antioxidants are very important as they hunt and destroy free radicals that if left unchecked will eventually slow our metabolic rate down causing a host of problems in the body.One of the most significant effects of free radicals is premature aging. When these free radicals inhibit the pathways in the body, the aging process can be accelerated causing you to appear older than you actually are. Milk thistle helps stop these free radicals from causing harm and in some cases cane even reverse the aging process.Milk thistle is also good for weight loss in some people as weight gain can sometimes be caused by inhibited metabolic activities resulting in inefficient digestion. Through regular supplementation, milk thistle can improve the digestive process and in turn aid in weight loss.Milk Thistle for liver cleansingFinally the most popular property of Milk thistle is its role in both liver detoxification and the promotion of healthy liver functions. Since the liver is basically the poison control center of our bodies and over time these toxins can build up in our bodies decreasing the quality of life; through daily supplementation of milk thistle the liver is allowed to remove this build up allowing us to process nutrients more efficiently, getting more from our vitamins and food and allowing us to fight cravings. Milk thistle has also been shown to reverse the extreme damage of alcoholism in some cases as well as help prevent some diseases such as both hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is possible to repair the liver over time through a regeneration process. Many people are not aware that if the body is given the right fuel and nutrients, it can heal itself.Milk thistle has also been found to aid in the healing of endometriosis, a condition of the uterus medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) appear and flourish outside the uterine cavity, most gemonly on the ovaries.Milk thistle also aids in the lowering of levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body helping the body metabolize these cholesterols in the body as well as the promotion of good cholesterol.Dangers of Milk ThistleAs for side effects, there are no know side effects to milk thistle. As with any herbal supplement however, if you are taking a prescription medication consult your doctor first. Many doctors regemend supplementing with milk thistle to aid in liver health. Especially if you have more than 3 drinks a week or take acetaminophen(Tylenol) on a daily basis both of which can cause damage to your liver.Where can I get Milk Thistle?There are many benefits to be had from incorporating milk thistle supplements into your daily diet but please be aware that there are many gepanies trying to scam their customers by selling milk thistle supplements that can only be described as sub-par. There is one brand dedicated to making high quality milk thistle with over 80% silymarin; "Vivid Nutrition High Potency Milk Thistle". Produced using only the highest potency milk thistle in sterile FDA regulated facilities.We are the only authorized reseller on okay for this excellent milk thistle supplement and offer deep discounts for multiple bottle purchases. For more information and to purchase your supply, please visit our product page by following this link: Vivid Nutrition High Potency Milk Thistle We also carry the most advanced line of health, weight loss and beauty supplements available. Please check out our full list of products in our store: Best Health Nutrition