Thursday, December 22, 2011

I can provide remote assist to your newly purchased PC!

If you purchased a geputer from me here on okayand have Internet access, I can remotely assist you if you are having any trouble on the PC or laptop.Here's how:Contact me by e-mail (located on my okay page: to schedule a time for assistance.At the start of your scheduled appontment, prepare for the remote assistance by going through the first 8 steps of the tutorial listed below for your appropriate operating system. I will then receive your e-mail. Connect to your geputer using the information provided by you in the e-mail and assist you with any problem you may have.WINDOWS REMOTE ASSISTANCE TUTORIAL FOR XP1. Click on Start.2. Click on All Programs.3. Find and select Remote Assistance from your list of programs.4. Select Invite someone to help you.5. If you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, select the e-mail option and prepare an e-mail to be sent to my e-mail address. Uncheck the password option, just to make thing easier.5a. If you use a web-based email, like g-mail, yahoo, or aol, use the third option Save invitation as file. Click continue, uncheck Require the recipient to use a password (just to make things easier), click Save Invitation. Remember where the invitation is saved. (usually in your My Documents folder, Named: RAInvitation.6. You may close the assistance window, or minimize it.7. Open your email account if it is not already open. If using a web-based e-mail, remember to attach the Remote Assistance Invitation file to a new e-mail before sending it. 8. Send the e-mail to my e-mail address.9. A small window will pop-up informing you that I have received your invitation. Click YES to allow me to see your screen.10. I will then send a request to take control of your system. click YES.11. Your screen may change colors, this is ok, it will return to normal after I release control of your system.12. The remote geputer now can see and control your system. When assistance is geplete, I will release your geputer and your settings will return to normal.WINDOWS REMOTE ASSISTANCE TUTORIAL For Vista or 71.Click on Start.2.Type in Windows Remote Assistance.3.Select Windows Remote Assistance from the list of programs.4.Select the first option to Invite someone you trust to help you. 5.Select the first option if you use a web-based e-mail account like g-mail, yahoo or AOL. Remember the location where you saved the invite file. Select the second option if you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. 6.Leave this window open (Titled: Windows Remote Assistance).7.Open your e-mail account if it is not already open. If using a web-based email, be sure to attach the Remote Assistance Invitation that you saved earlier in step 5. 8.Create a new e-mail to my e-mail address. Include the password in the body of your email. Send e-mail.9.Allow the remote geputer to connect to your geputer by clicking yes.10.The color scheme and background image might change on the desktop. This is OK.11.Allow the remote geputer to share control of your geputer by clicking yes.12.The remote geputer can now see and manipulate settings on your geputer. When done, I will releasecontrol and your settings will return to normal.

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