Thursday, December 22, 2011

East Coast Wholesale scooters are GREAT

I see a bunch of bashing on here on Craig McKinney and East Coast; all I can say is that if you read these peoples tales you can tell they are high blood pressure types. Personally I can say this; the guy gave me 2 1000W scooters that will go dang near anywhere on any terrain and were quality built all around. He gave me a nice discount too; geparative models were triple the cost or more. I will also say this; there is assembly with these things and if you do not have a set of tools dont be a fool with your life trusting it to the sheet metal wrenches and pot metal hex; get the tools you need ready that it states you need in the instructions. Also have some thread lock handy. Do these two thing and you will have a GREAT experience like I did. Craig, THANK you for those monster scooters. Your video did them justice; they were exactly like what was in the you tube video and yes you were right, the seats are a son of a gun to get off once installed. Great product though; way ahead of its time in the USA.

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