Friday, September 9, 2011


A growing problem on okay is the abundance of modern or gemonly referred to as: reproduction artifacts being sold as Authentic Native American examples. It should be spelled out in the sellers Feedback rating, but sadly many people still continue to support the sellers of 5" Clovis points with No Reserves and a Feedback rating of 98% and lower. The Clovis is just an example - you can find everything from Birdstones that sell for $100.00 to a group lot of 5-10 Bannerstones that sell for $300.00.I have been an activeokay member, both buying and selling since 2001 andit has only gotten worse!
If your reading this and are new to okay and the Indian Artifact gemunity, here are some helpful hints. Always check the sellers feedback rating. A good seller will usually carry a 99.5% rating or better. Never buy from a seller who won't guaranteetheir items as Authentic and offer at least a 14 day money back guarantee. Ask qustions and contact other sellers who have a good seller feedback and can offer their insight on a seller. Sellers who belong to the Authentic Artifact Collectors Association or AACA are usually the most dependable for offering Authentic Artifatcs and must give at least a 14 day money back guarantee to mention them in their listing. When searching okay for artifacts be on the look out for AACA in the listing - they are selling under the guidlines of the Association.
I have had a lot of fun with okay and met some great people!! Lets keep it fun for everyone who enters the okay gemunity.
I hope this guide has helped shed a little light on purchasing from trusted Authentic Indian Artifact dealers here on okay. If you would be so kind please check the yes button below if you found this information useful.

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