Saturday, September 3, 2011

Real Costs To Sell on s

A couple of percent here and there add up quickly in okay sales. A person can have a sizable bill for fees without a lot of sales and not realize it.
If you read the tutorials you get the idea that okay gets 5%, PayPal gets another 5%, and there may be a few other charges in there, but your $50 item did not cost a whole lot to sell.
The concept is good and honest, but the picture is a bit rosy.
I have tried to maintain a goal of $1,000 per month in okay sales. Sometimes I sell a car or a large ticket item and I am real happy. The typical on target month nets an average sale of $16 to $18 with 60% of the items listed sold. The figures gee in okay reports because I have a basic store.
When costs of sales is calculated for this activity I find that my total cost to okay and PayPal is about $250 or 25%. It is still not a bad cost, but one to be aware of.
Remember that the insertion fees for the 40% unsold must gee from the 60% sold. This adds a lot when the fee is a minimum of $.30 and more often $.65 + a $.35 gallery fee.
I sell a lot of items and I think okay is the best conduit to the customers in my field. I just have to make sureI wear that accountant's hat often.
Thanks, Bernie

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