Saturday, September 3, 2011

how to Unstick cast iron

NEVER USE SOAP, as thios will cause it to stick. Once it sticks, put your pan , or skillet on medium heat, and warm it up, once warm, put in a couple of Tablespoons, of good old salt, table salt, and a cup of vinegar, with your tablespoon
stir this stinky mess till it turns brown, let it
start evaporate till about half is vanished into thin (?) air. now with a good pot gripper pour, this stinky soup, into the sink. now fill up your pot, or skillet with clean H2O, if none is available, just use plain water, and boil this till about half is also gone. pour this out, and allow your pan, and or skillet sit off the fire a couple of minutes. Pour in some clean vegitable oil, and with a clean paper towel spread the oil all over your pan or skillet. hamburger meat, some fish, onions, and tomatoe paste, always causes sticking, but Warm rinsing, usually will unstick them, but in a month or so they will stick again, just repeat this, and your Cast Iron will be a vey slick way to cook. have fun sam

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