Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tonka Toy Trucks: Collecting

The purpose of this guide will be tohelp Tonka Toy Truck collectors by sharing information. Collecting these uniquely American vintage toys is an enjoyable and challenging hobby. Many Americans have been doing such for a long time, mainly by making their purchases in person, either at a local yard/garage sales or at major Toy Shows that are held regularly around the country. Thanks to our modern age and technology it's now very easy to do the same thing without ever leaving the gefort of your home, via okay! This method has it's own unique lessons to be learned and that is what we'll be dealing with here. Collecting Tonkas on okay.

To begin with we'd like to offer some general geputing advice as well. We'll be adding this information to our web site on the resources page soon. Hard lessons recently learned. You absolutely need to use a Firewall and Anti-Virus

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