Friday, September 9, 2011

How to Organize Inventory using Storage Bins

Using Storage Bins to Organize Inventory
Invest in small bins that you can get from your local Wal-Mart, target, etc. You can use these to organize your merchandise by:
Current Auctions Running
Store Items (Each Category)-or-Sizes-or-Gender-or-Lot(s) up for sale
Whatever method will work best for you. This cuts down on the amount of work you have to do- Especially for lot sellers. How often have you lost an item that was supposed to be shipped out? If you invest in the bin system, you wont ever have to deal with that problem again.
The extra large bins are also good for inventory sorting. Mark bins:
Unlisted (No photos, no description)Needs PhotoNeeds ListingSold (Unpaid)Sold (Paid)/To Ship Out
This is a great method for those of you who have tons of items to list but get overwhelmed when you see it all. In just five easy steps, you can get those items listed and out of there!
If you can, set up a separate work space apart from the rest of your home. Keep all work related filing cabinets, etc in the same general area. You can invest in a mannequin and background cloths to create a photo area for more professional photos. You can also invest in a small table that can be used to package your items for shipment.
Always remember, a place for everything. You will need room to package items. You dont want it to be right in front a major entrance or in the middle of your kids play space. You are bound to be interrupted!

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