Saturday, July 24, 2010

Backpacking with people I dont know..?

I will be volunteering in India in Feb and doing travelling. Some other prospective volunteers contacted me and said they are looking for a backpacking partner. They have 3 people right now (whom met in the same manner). There are 2 girls, one guy, all in the same age range. I added them as friends on fb, and after doing a check they all seem nice, intelligent people. I feel like an *** lol...but the thought that went through my head was "are they hot." And they are not. I dont know why this is a concern for me. When I went to Africa last year, alone, I met a lot of people at backpackers. The people who I got along with were definitely not the goodlooking girls, they were the more intelligent average loking girls...I dont know what...what are your thougts here?Btw I will be iwht them for approx 3 months.|||"Volunteering"...Is this church work, social work, student co-op or what?Committing yourself to close quarter living for 3 months with people you don;t know could end up going either way -- either the best experience you will ever have or a real nightmare!I would strongly suggest everybody meeting face to face (all 4 at the same time) several times before you commit to 3 months on the trail together IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY. Get to know each other well enough so that there are no surprises after you have committed yourself. Also get the group dynamics up and working to everybody;s satisfaction beforehand..|||Why does someones looks matter? the last thing you will worry about when in India is what the person next to you looks like, ive been to India, you smell like mothballs (as they are everywhere) after a while, the dust storms and the noise you get used to, and the smiling faces of the people you meet far out weighs any thought of beauty. If you;re blond people will want to touch your hair, you;re stared at all the time, there are beggars at every corner and the most amazing people will invite you into their homes like a long lost friend. i can;t wait to go back. Fantastic place.

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