Saturday, July 24, 2010

Will there be more powercuts in Sharjah,UAE, what is the situation ,current & immedite future?

We don;t know what the future holds. We here in Sharjah are just trying to live minute to minute, with bated breath. Now all of my plans include power cuts. I think, I will do this, when the power goes out or if the power goes out I will do this. That;s how it is. I know that there are some parts of Sharjah with government officials live that never lose power. It;s us temporary workers who get the short end of the stick. Well, as they say, ;If you don;t like it, you could always get out.; I think that;s exactly was some people are doing.This is my experience, but you read more at the links below. Maryam Ismail writes a to the moment portrayal of the first blackout and the Yasin Kakande, follows up the the most recent blackouts and their effects on business as well as his own take on it.|||The situation is as follows:* The Sharjah power plants are running on gas,which is a natural source from Sharjah. When there is a shortage of gas they have to switch to diesel which is much more expensive than gas. That;s why they cut down their power supply,but not in the area;s where the rich and local Emirati;s living. Just look on the map which Gulf News showed a few days ago. That explains a lot...............................…* As long SEWA don;t find a solution for the shortage of gas,the problem will stay. Just live with it or leave to Dubai.

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