Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a cheap hotel that cost like 20 to30 dollars?

Sometimes a Motel 6 will have rooms with one bed for one person for like $29.95, but you really need to be careful. You usually get what you pay for, and a $30 hotel may be dirty, smelly, in a bad location, etc.|||I have traveled throughout the country and now I am in Asia. I would think you should consider hostels. They are going to be WAY cheaper than $30. CHeck or best part of the hostel is the community factor involved but you will meet people from all over the world. Also, the people can help you with other factors such as location and direction.In addition, I worked in the hospitality industry for 15 years as a hotel general manager. Hotels for $30 are going to be germ infested often with elements of crime such a drug dealing. If you do chose a hotel at this price range, consider that it be an interrior corridor (rooms you access VIA a hallway, not outside) and well lit including the poolarea. Also, shoot for a place that have key cards versus metal key locks fo additional secutity.Good luck|||This Sacramento hostel is supposed to be very nice. dorm rooms are $28, private rooms are $55.75.

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