Sunday, July 18, 2010

Overcoming motion sickness on small aircraft?

Hi,I have had around 7 flying lessons and I sometimes feel motion sick on small aircraft. Do you think I will eventually overcome it?Thanks|||Common mistake - Having an empty stomach -Many people say "I will not eat, as I might get sick" -Big mistake -Always eat a light meal before your flight -Your favorite sandwich - even just a piece of pastry -You will overcome it when you stop being nervous about it -When flying will be same for you - as driving your car -Only other factor is to get cold air circulation in airplane -|||Yes, you'll overcome it. You can get used to any type of motion if you're exposed to it a lot, so the more you fly, the less you'll experience motion sickness from flying. Over the long term, it should not be an obstacle to flying.Astronauts, sailors, and many others who work in environments with a lot of physical motion have to deal with the same thing. While there are no instant cures for motion sickness, there are also very few cases of motion sickness that won't go away if you keep exposing yourself to the triggers.

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