Monday, July 26, 2010

Do you have weird days...?

Where you;re all dramatic and emotional and demanding, and you upset yourself and others though you know you can be kinder than this. Then you do weird things like telling yourself not to eat anything til tomorrow because you;ve just done something wrong, made someone unhappy and you don;t eat anything cause you;re "depressed". Then like half an hour later you go back to your senses and wonder what was up with yourself and eat as much as you like?|||Hmm yeah, happens to me too! It;s as if you get these sudden mood swings... I don;t tell myself not to eat anything but I usually just feel that I;m tired of myself, or something similar anyway. I might become mean as well without wanting to because I get all emotional and stuff or because I just feel unhappy and feel that others don;t understand me the way I want them to. But then suddenly, something happens and I;m fine again! Perhaps just a phonecall from a friend, or an outing, and you;re back to your senses! Maybe it;s just hormones ;)|||im down today... =(

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