Saturday, July 24, 2010

Trip to malaysia....?

Hi, I and my husband planning to visit Malaysia staying 2 nights and 3 days. Does anyone knows about travels or agents in Singapore offering Malaysia packages. Will it be safe travelling as couple .Many says it is safe to travel with friends. Any popular sightseeing in Malaysia. How about budget staying in Malaysia . thanku|||hey there. there are quite a no. of spore travel agents that organise free & easy packages or guided tours. Travelling as a couple is safe enough, just stay away from deserted areas at night. Msia is so big there are plenty of sightseeing areas, depending on where or how far from spore you are willing to travel. Budget hotels are aplenty.Singtel not applic in msia.. you need to apply for autoroaming|||To cover Malaysia in 3D/2N is not possible. But don;t waste your effort and money through a travel agent. Just head to KL, move around and you will be very safe here. Costs less and you schedule your own time. Pick up a tourist brochure and browse through to plan out your visits. Happy holidays.

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