Saturday, July 24, 2010

What are some things for a 15 year old(girl) to do in Tokyo?

I am going to Tokyo for a few days by myself, but I would like some ideas of where I should go?-Would it be weird to go to the amusement park by myself?I have been to Tokyo before, so there are some places I have been to, but if there are specific shops, or museums that you find interesting/fun, that would be cool to know!|||i suggest going to JAPANESE boomers|||There are many good shops for 15 year old girl in Harajuku. And the 2nd candidate is Shibuya.It;s not weird to go to an amusement park like Disneyland by yourself. But you may get bored as you have to wait for very long as amusement parks are crowded.|||Toyko is one of the greatest cities in the world and a must see in Japan. I recommend both Shinjuku for its ultra modern buildings and department stores, and Harajuku for cheap shopping. You should also visit Tokyo Disneyland and Disney Sea which are quite close to Tokyo in Chiba.|||go and look for me my code name is ikkaku the swords men im in tokyo|||I recommend Harajuku first, then Koenji. Especially if you are interested in fashion or music. Shimo-kitazawa is good for that too.Shibuya I find to be pretty boring. It;s just slutty young people trying to pick up dates, and there;s a good pizza shop. =/Shinjuku is fun at all hours, but it;s probably the one of two cities in Tokyo that I would advise you not to go alone to after dark. (The other being Roppongi.)Tokyo Disney would probably be boring alone... The lines are long and it;s so intensely hot right now that the fun of the park is totally ruined by the sheer heat. (At least for me.)Also, go to the beach if you have time! Kamakura is good and easy to get to. Zushi is my favourite but it;s harder to get to.Have fun! =)

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