Monday, July 26, 2010

Can i travel without a visa?

im in madeira, portugal now. im south african. my visa has expired and i want to return to south africa. is it possible for me to go back to sa without a visa? my flight is from portugal to switzerland then to johannesburg. is it possible to take a connecting flight or wont i be allowed to?|||You won;t have a problem to get on the first leg of your flight. The flights between Schengen countries are like domestic flight without any governmental immigration control. You just need to present your passport for identification check.Your problem will start when you go through the exit immigration inspection in Switzerland before you board the flight to a non-Schengen destination. They will notice your overstay based on your expired visa and you will subject to a fine based on the Portuguese Immigration law, since you obviously have over-staid in Portugal.Article 192.Illegal permanenceThe permanence of the foreign citizen for a period longer to the authorised on is an regulatory offence punishable with fines as follow:a) From €80 up to €160, if the permanence period is not longer than 30 days;b) From €160 up to €320, if the permanence period is longer than 30 days but does not exceed 90 says;c) From €320 up to €500, if the permanence period is longer than 90 days but does not exceed 180 days;d) From €500 up to €700, is the permanence period is longer than 180 days. Source(s):… ..

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