Saturday, July 24, 2010

.i am 17 years old, ..and i am now in quezon city, ..and i;m finding for a part time job..?

..can you suggest any job?,;s may e-mail:|||You are still not of legal age to have regular job.Maybe try Mc Donalds or any Food chain stores that accepts student trainee.|||Jollibee!|||Any fast food place or go in person up & down the street asking store owners for a job.|||Philippine laws allow a person to be employed from 15 years and up. But realistically, some companies don;t really encourage it. Other accept juniors and seniors in college practicum . These are suggestions for part-time work: fast food (not necessarily Mc Donalds or Jollibee), tutoring young kids, baby sitting, grocery staff, data encoding if you are lucky. Best of luck to you. I admire your *****. But stay safe, be wise, don;t say yes to anything that is even remotely dubious. If in doubt, there is usually a good reason you doubted it in the first place.

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