Sunday, July 18, 2010

I want to move back home to California...?

Well a couple of years ago I had some major life issues (parents breaking up, family problems, etc.) that side tracked me from graduating high school. I still haven't gotten around to getting my GED but plan to by late August when my mother and I get our own car. I had to move to South Dakota because of the family problems. I've been here a year now and I just can't seem to get anywhere. I feel like my life is going to waste. I have no friends here and I don't have much in common with my mom's family so it does get lonely quite a bit. Basically I'm unhappy and want to go back home to California. I'm just a little worried whether or not I could find work up there right away with just a GED. I have to be too dependent on my mother for everything which I absolutely hate. I can't help her as much as I would like to because there are zero jobs and no opportunities. How much do you think it would cost to make it in California? We have a storage unit there we are paying on so we don't have to haul anything back. I wanna hear your suggestions and ideas :]Thanks everyone :]|||i think that if your uncomfortable living in south dakota then it may be in your best interests to move back, and im 14 so have no clue what a GED is :P but i think that if you return to california and continue your education there then you'd undoubtedly have a better shot at a job which means you wouldnt have to be totally reliant on your mom. hope this helps :)

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