Sunday, July 18, 2010

Canadian moving to the U.S...Can I still work in Canada?

I am moving to the U.S hopefully by next year and I was wondering if I could still work in canada while living over in the states? I was also hoping someone would have some information on what type of paperwork I needed to fill out to move over there??Thank You :)|||I assume you qualify to immigrate to the US because you won't be able to just up and move there.|||Do you also want to pay income taxes in BOTH countries ? If you earn an income in Canada, you pay taxes on it, to Revenue Canada. If you LIVE in the USA, they ALSO want you to pay THEM, based on your income, regardless of WHERE you earn it .Didn't think of that I bet ?And of course you have to apply and be accepted by their Immigration department BEFORE you can go there. Jim B. Toronto.

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