Saturday, July 24, 2010

CANADIANS, do you have these?

I;m doing a care package exchange with a Canadian girl, and I;m from NC in the USA. I have no idea what America has that Canada doesn;t. Do you have any of these? And if you do, what else should I send her?-AriZona Iced Tea-Haribo gummy bears/coke bottles-Smarties (the pastel colored kind)-Necco Wafers-Old Dominion peanut brittle-Goetze;s Caramel Creams-Sugar Babies-Mary Janes-Candy Buttons-Starlight mints-Mamba fruit chews-Ferrara Pan Butter toffee-Cow Tales-Kettle cornThank you!|||YES==> Arizona iced tea...several varities Gummy bears/coke bottles and pretty much every other shape/flavour you could imagine Smarties, of course kettle cornThe other things, yes, just perhaps not the brand names you mentioned.|||I have no idea. I have never bought any of these. Not part of my diet.|||Well, it depends on the part of Canada you are sending the package to as products do vary across Canada. In general though Arizona Ice Tea is quite common across Canada and you can also find Kettle Corn, Smarties, coke bottle/gummy bears and probably a lot of the other items you have mentioned. That being said you probably have access to a number of different brands or styles that are not available here in Canada so feel free to send them. I have a friend I have sent a number of things to from Canada, she has similar items where she lives but always enjoys getting the different brands.

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